Speculations What characters do you think will be revealed to have Conqueror’s Haki later in the story?

East Blue 5 this puts more coc users in the crew than rogers crew, wild card for me is jinbe he could possibly have it already but oda doesn't want to reveal it yet...,MIHAWKKKKKKKKK,xebec,garp,all 3 current admirals,akainu,bb,dragon,beckman,yassop possibly since ussop will have it...probably more can't think of everyone lol
Mihawk, Dragon, and Garp all feel pretty much confirmed

Akainu feels 99% likely, but if he has it, chain reasoning would suggest all admirals have it, which could definitely happen but at the same time, I’m not sure.

Sabo and Beckman feel very likely as well.
After the Nami gag I’m almost 100% sure she’ll get it eventually, Usopp is probably unlocking it in Elbaf, other top tiers obviously have it (Mihawk, Dragon, etc), Akainu is a maybe, Sabo should have it since he’s one of the leaders of the next generation and Dragon’s successor but we’ll see