Worldwide lesbian oil wrestling contest
I wish I could be there to see it, sugoi, ladies, may the best ma'am win.
But honestly, there would be WAY more arguments, but also WAY less murder
Like, men and women blame each for so much dumb shit. If you just took one gender away, the other gender suddenly would no longer have the second gender to blame for their problems. As a result, both a male only and female only society would turn on themselves pretty quick. I'd imagine both would still hold onto gender as an archaic concept, and the women who were more masculine would be either demonized or idolized, with the opposite happening to those who are more feminine.
IE: Masculine Women (cough Butch Lesbians cough) would probably just replace men sociologically, and the more feminine women would continue to function in traditional female gender roles. How trans people would fit into this is really interesting, but is a rabbit hole I'm just not interested in going down, much like Carrot's... nevermind.
Anyway, men would return to a society where they had been replaced by amazons.
All hail our feminine masculine overlords!