What do you do IRL? (career/school/passion)

I worked as the Project Manager for Aersopace Science and Technology Program spearheaded by Air Force and Academia Linkages.
Recently designated as Program Manager.
Im also their Project Management and Agile Trainer.
Currently steering an ERP project and a Techno Park. Have a core team of Business Development Manager, Manager Costing, Manager Marketing/Branding and ofc Manager Legal. Plus I specialize in dealing with a lot of shitty politics among different divisions (mainly for resources and authority)

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
I used to work in probation but was recently transferred to, well there is no English translation i can think off, but basically whenever a judge makes a ruling their file is sent to me first, I must inspect it, make sure it is written properly, followed correct laws and correct law usage and is coherent to the person it will be sent.

If I fuck up and approve something that shouldn't be approved i can potentially be the cause of a whole case crashing down