Powers & Abilities What happens if Zoro splits the sky on panel?

What happens if Zoro splits the sky

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This is retarded.
Zoros ap on kaido is far weaker than what he was hitting king with to beat him
Why you comparing luffys attacks post power up to zoros pre power up with a broken body ?

Mihawk is the most Impressive because
Not only should it be higher with him and Croc being the actual leaders of cross guild

Buggy got 3 bil and yonko status for having mihawk under him

And despite them seeing mihawk under buggy they still gave mihawk the higher bounty
The first time this has ever happened in the series.
I’m comparing Luffy and Zoro when they both unlocked ACoC because he was talking about when they unlocked it. How is that retarted? I also talked about Zoro fighting King which is post power up to you just read what you wanted to read. Luffys ACoC is stronger and has better feats either way.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I’m comparing Luffy and Zoro when they both unlocked ACoC because he was talking about when they unlocked it. How is that retarted? I also talked about Zoro fighting King which is post power up to you just read what you wanted to read. Luffys ACoC is stronger and has better feats either way.
Proper acoc is the thick black lightning.
Which wasn't present on asura
Nor is zoros koh just acoc

The only reason King was even a struggle was due to him being superior to kaido in the stat kaido was hyped all arc for

Luffy hit kaido a shit load with acoc and did next to nothing notably kaido walking off an over Kong gun
Proper acoc is the thick black lightning.
Which wasn't present on asura
Nor is zoros koh just acoc

The only reason King was even a struggle was due to him being superior to kaido in the stat kaido was hyped all arc for

Luffy hit kaido a shit load with acoc and did next to nothing notably kaido walking off an over Kong gun
Kings defense wasn’t stronger than Kaidos if that’s what you’re saying. Maybe I’m his Lunarian mode but we can’t even say that because we don’t know if ACoC works or even ACoA either way. Luffys is stronger you couldn’t even touch Kaido in his flaming mode yet Luffy knocked him out. Luffys ACoC is superior no matter how you look at it.


Kings defense wasn’t stronger than Kaidos if that’s what you’re saying. Maybe I’m his Lunarian mode but we can’t even say that because we don’t know if ACoC works or even ACoA either way. Luffys is stronger you couldn’t even touch Kaido in his flaming mode yet Luffy knocked him out. Luffys ACoC is superior no matter how you look at it.
king literally said his defense is a level above a dragon's


World's Strongest Swordsman
Kings defense wasn’t stronger than Kaidos if that’s what you’re saying. Maybe I’m his Lunarian mode but we can’t even say that because we don’t know if ACoC works or even ACoA either way. Luffys is stronger you couldn’t even touch Kaido in his flaming mode yet Luffy knocked him out. Luffys ACoC is superior no matter how you look at it.
King's defence shits on kaidos its not debatable.
King who sucks kaido off even said his is superior
Vegapunk has both their dna and used king for seraphim not kaido
Zoro could cut kaido with no issue
Couldn't damage king

Zoro literally cuts fire.
The only known difference b/w Yamato's and Luffy's CoC coating is that Yamato has more experience while Luffy has a stronger CoC. Luffy split skies with less experience than Yamato, so the actual factor is the CoC level or the level of their overall strength, not experience. Zoro was relative to Luffy before CoC, so he'd logically be within his proximity post-CoC too, which means he too should be able to do it.
pica has more experience with coa than zoro yet he lost. in one piece experience is not a factor.

and where is the zoro having relative coc with fluffy coming from
That's irrelevant
King started blocking with his flames on and tried to run away.
what’s irrelevant is you bragging saying Kings defense is better than Kaido to try to prove Zoro have better ACoC then Luffy when your wrong and the fact that Zoro couldn’t cut King while in his most defensive form proves that. So I ask again did Zoro cut King with his flames on or not.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
To be fair, downplay is bound to happen to every characters who has feats, Zoro is no exception here. Of course there would be two sides of folks who will wank Zoro's sky splitting to high heaven (no pun intended) then the other folks who said that what Zoro did is nothing, everybody else can do it, etc.

For me, that would be a good achievement for Zoro who is supposed to be a top dawg by EOS. Nothing shameful about it.

But when will he do it? My guess would be against Mihawk since it ties to Zoro's goal of having his name reaching heaven and Mihawk just happens to be the perfect opponent for it.


World's Strongest Swordsman
what’s irrelevant is you bragging saying Kings defense is better than Kaido to try to prove Zoro have better ACoC then Luffy when your wrong and the fact that Zoro couldn’t cut King while in his most defensive form proves that. So I ask again did Zoro cut King with his flames on or not.
Learn how to read
Zoro could Scar kaido pre power up
King took zoros attacks post power up
Even with flame off King's durability is better than kaidos

And the flame on is irrelevant to this because
King had his flame on and chose not to take zoros attacks and went speed form to run away. If he couldn't be hurt by zoro he wouldn't have blocked
Learn how to read
Zoro could Scar kaido pre power up
King took zoros attacks post power up
Even with flame off King's durability is better than kaidos

And the flame on is irrelevant to this because
King had his flame on and chose not to take zoros attacks and went speed form to run away. If he couldn't be hurt by zoro he wouldn't have blocked
You’re clearly the one that can’t read Kaido said Asura was using CoC. Imbuing an attack with CoC is ACoC. Therefore Zoro used ACoC when he scarred Kaido. Your just wrong and delusional.

Formerly Seth

Track record is that anything Zoro does ultimately becomes shit and useless.

It almost applies to everything related to Zoro as well for example if Rayleigh does something or Mihawk does something. Essentially becomes "Shit by Association with Zoro"

Lets see the tract record, and Idk what happened pre time skip, I only joined this community in 2017 but

--> Law busted a mountain -- WOAH SO IMPRESSIVE, GOD DAYAM
--> Zoro obliterates a literal mountain man -- WHO GIVES A SHIT ITS JUST A ROCK

--> Luffy struggles against a YC1 and nearly dies -- WOAH LUFFY IS CRAZY STRONG NOW
--> Zoro basically 3 shots a YC1 -- WHO GIVES A SHIT MERE COMMANDER

--> Oden Scars Kaido -- WOAH SO IMPRESSIVE, ODEN TOP 5
--> Zoro scars Kaido -- WHO GIVES A SHIT, ITS JUST A PAPER CUT

--> Zoro Unlocks Advanced CoC -- WHO GIVES A SHIT, YAMATO HAS IT TOO

--> Shanks uses his entire crew to scare away one admiral -- WHO SHANKS IS A GOD, HE CAN"T BE MATCHED
--> Rayleigh alone at the age of 99 makes an Emperor with his crew member shit his pants and run away -- WHO GIVES A SHIT, RAYLEIGH ADMITTED HE WOULD LOSE

--> Blackbeard has 2.25 Billion bounty, despite being an emperor, crew, fleet etc -- DAYAM YONKO SO STRONG, TOP TIER BOUNTY
--> Mihawk has 3.6 Billion bounty for just his strength, literally nothing but his strength -- WHO GIVES A SHIT BOUNTIES DON"T MATTER

There are a lot other examples but I am just saying, what happens if Zoro splits the sky soon, what would the reaction be?

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Monkey D Theories
@Red Admiral

Every anti Zoro pig will rush to manga to search for anything that can look similar or more impressive to it to downplay him.

Zoro lives rent free in people's heads.
I gave you manga fact go argue with Oda
No lmao
Its not a manga fact..Its Kaidos speculation..he could be talking about regular CoC..it could be a little bit of CoC leak from Enma.

Did we see Island sized lightening from all of Zoros swords like we did against King? Even if Enma pulled little bit of CoC out of Zoro..it doesn't compare to CoC from all of Zoros swords.

You are trying to claim Oda underpowered Zoro by giving him a power up and you are calling him delusional.

But then again how can anyone in their right minds take "Shanks > EoS Zoro" guy seriously..even the most delusional yonko retards don't believe that