Questions & Mysteries What is some OP lore you wish Oda would reveal

Doesn't have to be revealed in a chapter. Maybe in an SBS, vivre card or interview

I want three things:
1. A comprehensive resource and map of all islands in the New World and the Emperor who rules them (at the time of Whitebeard or even BB)
2. What the awakening of each devil fruit we have seen so far would look like
3. What is an artistic/plot decision he made earlier in the manga that he wish he could reverse
Will of D
Void Century
Thriller Bark Monsters
Who owns all the special swords
The Moon Civilization
the space piartes
devil fruits, what are they and who made them
seeing both of sanji's eyes at the same time
what happened to zoro's eye
will big mom learn the truth about carmel and the orphans
kaido's backstory
god valley incident
everything about Imu
the voice of all things.
conqueror's haki.
devil fruits origin.
the gods.
madam sharly's visions.
why alabasta didn't join the 20 kings on mary geoise.
the land of the dead.
radiations: sea/seastone/salt energy vs devil fruit energy.
why the moon people were building an army.
why the ancient weapons were created.
space pirates.
how did pyrobloin travel from wano all the way to skull island.
Were there other Legendary Swordmen aside Ryuuma and Mihawk in One Piece history?..
More about Noland and his adventures..
Why Chopper's human form doesn't appear human..
Where is All Blue..
Space pirates..
All the One Piece Gods and mythical beings like Nika..
Why the Sea kings have to stay in the calm belt and what is their deal..
Why no Animals so far with Haki in the series?..
Who were Franky's parents(pirates)?..
Rocks pirates
Void century
DF origins
BB past and the DF of his crewmate
How to reach LT
What is im sama
More of Enel's adventure
Emerald island
Zoro's full past
Nami and Franky parents