Speculations What powers will the Gorosei have?

I've been thinking about this a lot recently and I personally think that these three make sense, and I'm not sure about what the others could be but this is what I think so far:
Saturn: Hito Hito no Mi: Model Minotaur
Demon bird dude: Tori Tori no Mi: Model Griffin (or Basilisk)
Imu: Satan fruit, don't know what it'd classify under, possibly another Hito Hito though.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Saturn being the minotaur makes sense. It's really iconic and a bull.

I like the theory of Mars being a Garuda. Thunderbird would also be cool.

Gandhi looks humanoid, and I think Ju Peter's could be humanoid too.

Peter is the only one who might not be a mythical zoan. Maybe he has a logia with powers like Aramaki's broccoli mode?

No clue on Topman

Imu could be a dragon, or satan model fruit.

this post by @ArturCantSpeakJapanese has really cool ideas
Saturn being the minotaur makes sense. It's really iconic and a bull.

I like the theory of Mars being a Garuda. Thunderbird would also be cool.

Gandhi looks humanoid, and I think Ju Peter's could be humanoid too.

Peter is the only one who might not be a mythical zoan. Maybe he has a logia with powers like Aramaki's broccoli mode?

No clue on Topman

Imu could be a dragon, or satan model fruit.

this post by @ArturCantSpeakJapanese has really cool ideas
That thread is really good, better than mine tbh.
Honestly Mars could be many things, there's a lot of possibilities.
Maybe Topman or Imu could be an imp?
Or even a Kappa. That's fit well in a world like OP, as they drown people and what not and kidnap them (like the lower CDs kidnap peolpe and Imu is trying to capture Vivi).


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
That thread is really good, better than mine tbh.
Honestly Mars could be many things, there's a lot of possibilities.
Maybe Topman or Imu could be an imp?
Or even a Kappa. That's fit well in a world like OP, as they drown people and what not and kidnap them (like the lower CDs kidnap peolpe and Imu is trying to capture Vivi).
Imu looks more draconic or demonic to me. I can't picture a candidate for the final villain having a fruit like an imp tbh.

Topman could totally be a kappa. Would be ironic for the god of justice to have a power like that.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently and I personally think that these three make sense, and I'm not sure about what the others could be but this is what I think so far:
Saturn: Hito Hito no Mi: Model Minotaur
Demon bird dude: Tori Tori no Mi: Model Griffin (or Basilisk)
Imu: Satan fruit, don't know what it'd classify under, possibly another Hito Hito though.
Generic fire beams and lighting strikes, on top of all those forms.
We don’t see much but since they’re “Gods” with zoans; I’d imagine all mythical zoans. Guesses based on bad silhouettes:
Jaygarcia Saturn was a giant bull so:
Ox Ox Fruit Mythic Model. Based on some sacred bull?

Shepherd Ju Peter was a very large humanoid:
Human Human Fruit Model. Maybe based on Ymir?

Ethanbaron V. Nasujuro looked humanoid but he has the same cloud that gods in one piece have:
Human Human Fruit Mythic Model. Maybe based on Ryuma since he’s worshipped like a god

Marcus Mars looks like a bird also has the same cloud that gods in one piece have:
Bird Bird Fruit Mythic Model. Maybe based on the Geruda a bird god of strength

Topman Warcury looks like a giant boar:
Ox Ox fruit mythical model. Maybe based
on that boar Hercules fought?

Imu coukd be anything with a massive tail:
Snake Snake fruit Mythical model. Maybe based on Apophis (Egyptian snake that eats the sun)
I think it’s funny that several people have been acting like a Minotaur devil fruit would be more significant than a light logia, especially after the zoo in Wano.
When Sengoku is a buddha manifestation, imo the Gorosei should be even mightier than that (if its even possible)...if all they have is myth zoan fruit (instead of some ancient powers even older than devil fruit), each of the fruits have to be god-theme.


Hades or Anubis, God of Death and Underworld Fruit
Poseidon or Leviathan, God of The Seas Fruit
Kronos or Zurvan or Saturn, God of Time Fruit
Shiva or Apophis, God of Destruction Fruit
Vishnu, God of Life / Creation


Or maybe they will follow the themes of their respective planets as their deity theme. Jupiter god of thunder, venus manipulates feelings and love, mercury god of speed, saturn god of timr etc
Honestly OP I wish you could have added the image of their silhouettes I'm too lazy to look them up. But whatever the guy above me said then. :cheers:
Upon closer inspection, I think Jupiter and Mercury will have the Norse powers of Ymir and Audhumla.

Jupiter's head looks ginormous here. He is the only one hunched over and def looks the most human.

Audhumla shouldn't have tusks, but its ears would match Mercury's, and Oda has the artistic license to feature the cow as he wants. Could also just be the mustache exaggerated.

Then Saturn gets the behemoth as a strong bullish type creature for obvious reasons. Mars gets the more authentic depiction of the Basilisk.

Lastly for Venus, this Elder has a unique style that leans towards Eastern culture. The other beats are based upon European/Abrahamic myths but for him, I think the Black Tortis is a better fit just because his whole body could be the equivalent of Yoru.
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Like Poseidon they should have VoAT to control certain species or elements of the physical world. For their DF, Sabo says it’s like hell when he sees their transformed states. Oda already showed us how he designed another hell based group of characters with ID. Oda designed them all after different mythological hell gods or demons.

Saturn probably has the Oni or Yama Devil Fruit for example.