Questions & Mysteries What will happen to Brook after he meets Laboon?

Brook and laboon will spend the rest of their lives together! Probably music here music there travel a little bit on grand line while they play their favorite music together a happy contentment for each other… both of them might die together from old age.. both didnt said goodbye this time because they knew they will meet each other again while they playing rumbar pirates song they both pass away at the same time.. in the after life they meet again where the rumbar pirates are waiting and go on a adventure in the afrer life but this time laboon is with them..
At Wano, Brook will awaken and find that Charlotte Linlin and her Soru fruit, is merely a soul puppet whom he had possessed all this time.

Reabsorbing Big Mom's corpse (actually a soul puppet) and the dominant portion of his original devil fruit power. After Luffy defeat Aramaki, Brook eat Aramaki's soul and try to obtain the plant-ruling power within his Devil Fruit. But suddenly Brook's condition deteriorated since someone can't eat 2 Devil Fruits, and also since Aramaki's fruit has the power of nature (life) opposing Brook's fruit has the power of soul (death).

Seeing that, Luffy decides to take the Plant Devil Spirit from Brook's Soul, and eat it using Nika's Power of Imagination which nullify the two-fruit penalty, thus also getting the power to rule over plants. Dang i just like Aramaki's power so much.


Anyway fanfic aside, on topic: after Brook met Laboon, Laboon may just become a member of The Strawhat Pirates with the ambition of becoming World's Strongest Whale :zosleepy: