Questions & Mysteries What will Sabo’s role be?

I usually see pretty mixed opinions when it comes to who should rightfully take out Akainu. I think most believe it should be Luffy because he was there when Ace fell and he was scarred for it mentally and emotionally (and it happened because he couldn’t protect himself in the moment, or even protect Ace for that matter). But on the flip side Sabo was introduced right as Ace was dying, and he even has his fruit now. He might not have been there but he still has that feeling of helplessness that he could not be there to help his brother’s and that takes a mental and emotional toll as well. I get that the magu fruit is said to be flat out superior than the mera, however devil fruit awakening is a thing now and it can manifest in various ways, the tables could turn possibly because of this. So I ask this, will Sabo have a hand in Akainu’s defeat (also how will it play out) or do you believe he has another role to play? *my first post 😳, excuse me if I posted in the wrong place*
I defintely do not see him beating Akainu. But their maybe a possible clash. Either way what I do see him doing is:-

- He either is captured and plays the Robin/Ace role of being saved and doing nothing.

- Or he fights Kizaru

- Or he fights a Third Party member; SSG or CP0 ? Possibly Lucci lol ?

- Or he simply plays a Marco like support role....and gets overwhelmed by doing many things at once.
1. I can see him fighting Burgess in the BB Pirates arc

2. In the war I don’t know who he’ll fight, Akainu is a decent option since he did inherit Aces will and fruit. It fully depends on what happens to the Revs. If they get taken to Impel Down, Sabo vs Magellan would be cool since Magellan fought and defeated Iva.

3. I do think Sabo will be one of the five to defeat a Gorosei tho.