Whatever happened to The Millennium Forums? Does anyone know?

AL sama

Red Haired
About a decade ago there was this Toriko/One Piece forum that was kinda like this one, very power level driven. That has been all but erased from existence. Only their Facebook still exists. (No posts past 2016)

Was anyone a member there? And if so, do you remember if they ever give a reason for closure?

I'm very curious lol
many of us played mafia there and I believe @Ultra was a mod there

well unless I m mixing up names lol
Hakuki is a Chinese General from Kingdom who, after winning a battle against an enemy state, subsequently ordered the mass burial of 400,000 alive prisoners from the losing side despite their surrender, effectively making it the biggest genocide and kill count in the series.

And....that's a thing worthy of admiration..? I'm confused...or maybe I don't understand Kingdom logic