Controversial Whats a moment you wish did/didnt happen

Nika is the obvious answer for “wish didn’t happen.” Probably the most detrimental decision for the series.

For what I wish happened: proper Supernova utilization in Wano. Have them actually take down Kaido together, and Hawkins & Drake to not be embarrassments.
Wish didn't happen: Sanji jobbed to Vergo, Doffy, Niji, Judge, Yuen, Page One, King, Black Maria and S-Shark

Wish did happen: Sanji didn't job to Vergo, Doffy, Niji, Judge, Yuen, Page One, King, Black Maria and S-Shark
Did happen: Luffy and the crewmates talking more about what happened in between the 2 years of timeskip,especially Robin revealing more Revolutionary stuff.
Didnt happen: The Tontatta part and the GrandFleet part of Dressrosa. Useless stuff.