Current Events What's the scabbards role currently?

I know many here hate the scabbards that they may reply "who cares about them" but still, we gotta understand they are playing a part in this arc, so I've been thinking....

Red Scabbards after they lost to Kaido... they disregarded the idea of facing Kaido again, instead they left Kaido to Luffy...

We saw Kinemon/Kiku/Asura are out by Kaido and Kanjuro...

We have Inuarashi with Jack...
We have Raizo vs Fukurokujo

Then Nekumamushi was believed to head to Perospero who was knocked out by Queen (not sure if he's still able to fight or not)

The point is:
- Nekumamushi
- Denjiro
- Kawamatsu
- Izo

What do you think will be the roles for the upper three characters?

Neku might still face Perospero... so he could be having a role now

But what about Denjiro/Kawamatsu/Izo

Will they confront someone???

Could they be used as an aid to some strawhats fight??? (Even though beast pirates are dropping like flies now)

We also gotta remember than Denjiro/Kawamatsu are two of the most hyped among scabbards... especially Denjiro... so they are capable fighters...

Are we gonna have a new switch up of match ups if Big Mom kids show up????

Or do you all think the arc will be over before Onigashima drops and before they show up as Marco told them when he drop kicked their ship that by the time they show up, a new era would have started...
Here’s what Kin said.
Scatter and join the fight
Izo and Kawamatsu were brought to the live floor to join the fights there.
Could be to help Marco with King, maybe Sanji with Queen if it turns into 2v1s.
Or they could fight the remaining 5 (?) numbers.

Neko is definitely set up to go after Peros, that’s the implication from his dialogue.
Also, given:
Raizo v Fukurokuju
Inu v Jack
Neko v Peros

I don’t think Izo, Kawamatsu, and Denjiro will have fights against nobodies.
They will be involved in fights with respectable opponents most likely.
To lose and give inspiration to the main characters.

Inu losing to Jack so that Usopp who looked up to the mink determination can fight.

Maybe R losing to Fukurokujo so that Nami will take over for him and show her ninjutsu.

Neko losing to Perospero so that Chopper will pick up where Neko failed and fight off the very weakened Pero.

We’ll probably have to wait and see with the others.