Questions & Mysteries When and how did Apoo meet and join Kaido ?

I don't see any heavy hints from pre time skip Apoo that he could already be with Kaido, like some symbol recalling the beast pirates or maybe even Wano stuff so I guess he somewhat went under him during the timeskip to later sell him his allaiance group.


Apoo and kaidou meet:

kaidou: I'm gonna beat you and torture you until I break your will and join my...
apoo: wait, I'll stop you righ there, I'm in!
Seems like Oda just recently made this up. If you look at his face when Kaido fell on them, he was definitely scared to death.
Seems like Oda just recently made this up. If you look at his face when Kaido fell on them, he was definitely scared to death.
He's Kaido, he shows up when you don't expect him and you have no idea what he plans to do. Even Jack was freaked out and called him crazy. Jack was just taking care of business in his own Wano region.

Apoo definitely wanted to cement the fake alliance and bail out of there, before Kaido showed up to be Kaido and wiped out the place.