Controversial When One Piece Will End Prediction

We are currently in the final saga which means not much longer till we reach the final arc and by extension the final chapter

Let's ask ourselves how long Is the average saga?

3 to 4 arcs at least

With each arc lasting on average 1 - 2 years

Wano being an outlier at 4 years

At this point Egghead has been going on a little over a year but I don't think it'll go another whole year

This arc is likely to end by February

After this Arc one can assume Elbaf is next which should start Feb 2024 and I believe will be fairly long lasting until 2026

Now post elbaf is the tricky part on average each saga is filled with 3 to 4 arcs but that doesn't mean oda can't break expectations

But let's assume he continues to follow this average

I believe Raftle will take place before final war because whitebeards dying words was when someone finds the one piece a war that shakes the world will happen.

Now if I'm hopes that Koby is the one to take down black beard doesn't come true, then this will be the perfect opportunity for Luffy to take him down however if Koby does take down black beard I believe raftle will be a 3 way battle between cross guild, red haired and strawhats and this will be the arc Luffy becomes king and Zoro WSS. This arc will likely last at least 3 years given all the action and story telling that needs to happen so let's say raftle starts 2026 and ends some point in 2029

After raftle the final war/final arc will start and this arc will make Wano look like a children's book that's how long it will be

Wano lasted 4 years I believe final arc will last hmm I'd say 6

Bringing one piece to an end in 2035

Give or take a couple years depending on how long the little mini chapters between arcs last
Ideally, it makes sense that since East Blue Saga was 100 Chapters
First Half of Grand Line 500 Chapters, Second Half 500 Chapters
Then Final Saga would be 100 Chapters
Meaning OP should End in Chapter 1200 (Which also matches with Oda's Recent Comment)
But based on Pacing so far, it makes more sense if it ends in Chapter 1300

So imo OP will End between 1200 & 1300
That's like Four more Years at least

My Prediction is that it might End in 2028
4 arcs remaining imo:
Elbaf - A Skypeia length arc where the straw hats fight alongside the revs against Sakazuki, The Holy Knights, and the Gorosei

God Valley - A Marineford sized arc where the Straw Hats fight against the Blackbeard Pirates and get the final Rode Poneglyph

Raftel - A Post war arc where we see the flashback of what happened during the void century and the final war begins

Final War - An arc the size of the East Blue saga where we see the straw hats complete their dreams and luffy fight imu
Make Parallels.
Post time and pre time skip are parallel to each other.

East Blue Saga
  • Arlong Park ~ Fishmen Arc (Fishmen villains)
  • Introduction to Strawhats and Regrouping of Strawhats
Arabasta Saga ~ Dressrosa Saga
  • Shichibukai Arcs
Sky Island Saga ~ Zou
  • Jaya arc was similar to Zou in terms of history dwelling.
Water 7 Saga ~ Whole Cake Island Saga
  • Rescue arcs of Strawhats.
Wano ~ Thriller Barks
  • Huge Villains , New power Ups for Strawhats and A lot of Similarities.
  • Sanji unlocking Ifrit in wano , and Diable Jable In Thriller Barks
  • Zoro getting new sword in Thriller Barks , Zoro getting new sword in Wano
  • Luffy nightmare Luffy , Luffy gear 5.
  • Villain was taken out in group effort.

Now the main Part.

- Summit War Saga ~ Final War Saga (Oda himself said we are in the final Phase)

1) Sabaody Archaeology Arc ~ Egghead Arc
  • Kizaru entrance lol.
  • CD involvement (Saturn and Charlos will be punched).
  • Fleet as big as Buster call.
  • Info dump.
  • Bonney saved Zoro from CD , Kuma saves SH from Saturn this time.
  • Everyone runs away to Elbaf , kuma probably does this.
2) Amazon Lily Arc ~ Elbaf Arc
  • Luffy met Rayleigh again in Amazon Lily , Shanks meets Luffy. Roger pirate Parallel ig.
  • I don't know much about this Arc , probably lore dump or introduction to new Haki powers or explaining the current haki systems like Future Sight Killer and Black blade.
3) Impel Down Arc ~ Impel Down again
  • Focus away from SH
  • I think cross guild arc , they takes over Impel down.
  • Doflamingo , Weevil joins.
  • Luffy going to impel down makes no sense. Finally mihawk hype IG.
4) Marineford Arc ~ Final War
  • Don't ask me the Location.
  • WG vs SHP
  • Almost every character shows up at Marineford lol
5) Post War Arc
  • Ace death ~ Shanks death
  • Mihawk vs Zoro ~ BB vs Luffy.
  • One piece , Final Voyage.
  • Every strawhats achieve the dream.
The end lol. Luffy ends pre time skip with putting his hat on the rock.
Ending post time skip will be again , something with Strawhat.

So according to me there will be 4 arc before one piece ends.
0) Egghead (50~60 chapters)
1) Elbaf (20~30 Chapters)
2) Impel Down again (50~80 chapters)
3) final War (60~80 chapters)
4) post war ~ one piece (50~60 chapters)

So around
230~310 chapters to go 🤷🤷.

That's just an rough estimate from me ,
It should 250~400 chapters.
That way one piece ends with 1500. Lol

Now calculate yourself how much time 400 chapters gonna take.
Rough estimate be like
Chapter 1054 - 22 July 2022
Chapter 654 - 12 January 2012.

Result: 3460 days
It is 3460 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

Or 9 years, 5 months, 22 days excluding the end date.

10 years at best lol.
We all should have kids by then.