General & Others Where are the Admiral haters now?

Where are they now since Garp showed ACoC?

I just wanna know how they will cope now. :kobeha:
I said Garp has CoC. No surprise there:
Did they say Zolo has CoC in Databooks you troll? :kaidowhat: If we use your troll logic, there are tons of people won't have CoC because Databook never mentioned LMAO.

:luffylaugh:Garp wasn't mentioned as CoC user in Databooks as well. Your trolling is very low quality. :holdthisl:

Garp is above Ladmirals, I said that before, Garp said he could kill Red Dog for a reason, Garp is above them because he REFUSE to be a Ladmiral who Celestial Dragon underling. :steef:
Thats what i have been saying, theres no way in hell Oda would put a weaker batch of baddies on the next arc.

Kaido and Big meme where just the bottom of the yonko all allong, just trashy silver medalists who couldnt become PK even though they wanted it, unlike chad WB and Shanks who only didnt become PK because they did not want to. No wonder Shanks wipped the floor with Kaido and didnt let him come to Marineford, and why Kaido wouldnt try to atack a sick and dying white beard until he was busy dealing with Marines.
This chapter doesn't make the admiral agenda look that good.

Look at Kuzan lined up with the titanic captains.

The chances of him being a spy are pretty fucking low and would rely on everyone there being ridiculously stupid.

Koby bringing up SWORD when he didn't need too. Kuzan giving his explanation that might have revealed too much. None of the Blackbeard pirates suspecting him.
Right here:pepelit:

I don't know anyone who thought Garp wouldn't have CoC, he's the MC's grandfather and doesn't listen to his superiors, he does whatever the fuck he wants, this means nothing for the Admirals who are established to be the Gorosei's lap dogs, even Akainu knows not to bark in their direction.
Idk. Isn't Garp the same guy that allowed Akainu to make a donut out of Ace without repurcussions and got easily held down by Sengoku, literally doing the fake ass "hold me back" routine? Garp can pretend to be about that carefree life when shit's easy all day, but when things get real and there are actual consequences he doesn't have the balls, THE BALLS to get out of line of his superiors even if that means a loved one dies.