Where do we rank General Makou?

General Makou, the left hand of Ousen.
Stats: 86-90-88-B
Attributes; Boasts the highest offensive cabilities in the Ousen army. Uses tricks and feints alongside physical power.

He suffers a bit in terms of attention from the fanbase because his time was so short, but where do you rank him alongside other Generals?
How would Makou get on against someone like Rokuomi?

A more ferocious weaker Akou
We saw that Akou had mastered some defensive formations of Ousen so i guess Makou would be the same but in offence tho he is inferior in Strength and strategy to Akou.
I would assume Makou is better at strategy, or at least tactics. He prefers to use them whereas Akou likes a more head-on approach. Akou's army was also praised as being ferocious.