After Post Wano, it'll probably focus on whatever Blackbeard wanted next.
Tons of people said Elbaf but I'm not sure it has to be next. Elbaf can be slotted after Blackbeard but before the final war as a Zou type arc. Might fit better here, as Elbaf should be the finalization of Usopp's character arc. I can't imagine Oda putting that out when there's still potentially 200 chapters left in the story.
Tons of people said Elbaf but I'm not sure it has to be next. Elbaf can be slotted after Blackbeard but before the final war as a Zou type arc. Might fit better here, as Elbaf should be the finalization of Usopp's character arc. I can't imagine Oda putting that out when there's still potentially 200 chapters left in the story.