Questions & Mysteries Which fanbase was worse during Wano?

Who wins the worst off?

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Honestly, I thought both hypothesis were legit.

Before Onigashima, I thought that King vs Sanji would have been a good fight and that it would have been better for Zoro to help the Worst Generation Captains in the battle against Kaido.

Then, in Onigashima, I dropped the SvK ball because of Marco. To this day I still think Marco vs King should have been the way to go, it just makes so much sense on so many levels. And it would have been a GREAT 1v1.

As for ZKK, I've been mostly a curious observer for the most part. Never truly believed in it/thought it to be likely to happen tho.

I guess that, at the end of the day, I was partially right tho:
- Zoro DID fight Kaido for a while and even scarred him
- Sanji DID Clash with King and holded K&Q for a while

I would rewrite a lot of things about Onigashima, but still I'm not one of those who hated the Arc.
It depends at what time in Wano the argument was.

Sanji fans just after Sanji saved Momo were unbearable with their Sanji vs King belief. I remember arguing with one Sanji fan that was so delusional that even despite all the Queen connections to Judge they still kept saying Sanji would fight King but at the same time they'd say Zoro would fight Orochi... as his main fight.

That being said round about the time of Luffy and Zoro trying to get to the rooftop the Zoro fans then became the most unbearable. Every chapter had the ZKKCucks crying ZkK every week. Once Luffy figured out AdvCoC and told Zoro to go downstairs should have been the end of them but they continued to be unbearable and delusional. It was so bad Zorocucks thought King was beneath Zoro as a fight but when it became painfully clear to them that King would be Zoro's MAIN fight in Wano they tried hyping him up above Kaido lmao.

All in all I'd say the Zoro fans were worse for a longer period of time while the Sanji fans for those couple of chapters were just as bad.
Zoro got amazing feats with Hakai, the scar, getting ACoC and destroying King once he understood how to deal with a Lunarian, yet
ZKK was still in a league of it's own when it comes to daydreaming.

Sanjifans on the other hand kept fighting against the canon content, claming stuff like Queen would be equal to YC1 and pretending Sanji skipped many tiers or that IJ was ACoC too + undermining everything Zoro did while also wanting everything he got lol

That being said, ZKK became a joke that will haunt the fandom while also overshadowing all the Wano feats because you know the rule: troll first, canon content later.
You should change the world dumper, your threads are cool, no need for that kind of words.
Now, if we are talking seriously, neither.
Sanji vs king was something that fans have all the clues they needed to visualize that fight.
Both arr Fast, flying and users of fire.
Zoro killing kaido was something that oda let fans believe by some hints here and there.
Zoro unknown past, kaido defeated by a samurai etc etc.
None of the guys that seriously supported this theory claimed that zoro would be stronger than kaido.
So in conclusion it's either or both : oda had some fun with Z-S fans or both characters wasn't ready to do what their fans believe they will do.
Either way i was happy for how wano fights handled.
I am confident that sanji will have a go against a lunarian some day.
Zoro past is yet to be seen because that will only make more interesting.
Plus roronoa is definitely not a wano name and this were fans should look into. After ts many characters call zoro by his surname and i don't think it's random.


None of the guys that seriously supported this theory claimed that zoro would be stronger than kaido.
False. The people hyping up the most of ZKK believed that Zoro would end up Wano stronger than Kaido(and he did anyway).
Zoro haters thinking on damage control were the ones saying that Luffy would beat Kaido and Zoro would finish him to take the most credit possible of Zoro.

And Sanji fans had enough material to think King vs Sanji just like we had to think Marco vs King. Specially when Zoro showed up at Rooftop.