General & Others Which Fandom Took the Bigger L in Wano? Zoro Fans or Sanji Fans?

Who Ultimately Took the Bigger L?

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Ok, I'm a Sanj fan so I am probably biased, but I'm honestly sick and tired of Oda not giving enough love to our cook. Zoro gets CoC & cool sword, participates in rooftop fight and cuts Kaido, tanks an attack from friggin Kaido & Big Mom, gets the prettiest Wano girl without even trying, where are the L's? ZKK was always a delusion, because you know, Luffy is the protagonist and it was always obvious he'd win
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But Sanji? Sanji gets shamed by everyone and their grandmother for crying for help (I understand that from character perspective it's cool that he can rely on Robin and so on, but it was so cringeworthy for me to watch it), destroys his RS (I still hope he'll get the upgraded version from Franky somehow), fights the clown nobody takes seriously ... I really wish to get back to Mr Prince and Enies Lobby Sanji, where he still was #3, but a cool #3, not the hot mess he is now 😭
Interesting that the issue with Sanji is no longer strength but rather coolness. For Sanji to be cool the stakes in the story need to rise. Story has proven this

I mean I think they both came out winners lol
Zoro fans: He's included in the rooftop scene, pretty obviously showing how he's the Strawhat's #2, soundly beats a YC1
Sanji fans: Raid suit powerup+latent genes powerup, beats a YC2 who imo is basically equal to YC1 (in this case Queen=King)

If anything I guess Zorofans overhyped him in Wano, but then us Sanji fans overhyped Sanji in WCI too.
Interesting that the issue with Sanji is no longer strength but rather coolness. For Sanji to be cool the stakes in the story need to rise. Story has proven this

I have accepted that in SH crew the strength levels would be Luffy > Zoro > Sanji, so I don't expect Sanji to beat Kaido or anything like that. it is consistent throughout manga that Luffy wins against BBEG, Zoro & Sanji deal with Commanders's levels guys. But I love Sanji's portrayal as a hidden gem in SH, with his intellectual side adding fun twists to the story.
Anyways, thanks for the panels, made me remind why I like the character to begin with :)
Yeah people don’t seem to understand this. Threads like these are good though becuase when it does happen we zoro fans can all come back and get a good laugh in. At this point those who mock zkk are really mocking Oda since he’s the one who developed the narrative. ZKK will happen, we just gotta be patient.

Yep it will be hilarious to return to these threads… in reality these people are sweating bullets they getting out all the cope they can whole Oda on his break they know it’s inevitable when he returns😂😂😂


Heavy Metal
Depending on the point of view.

From a neutral POV, both characters have shown massive growing in stats, they beat the opponent everyone expected from them, they delivered power ups. Everything seems fine!
I kinda expected more character developement and history of Zoro, but ok, still open for later.
After all, the usual fighter fans should be very happy, the story-fans maybe a bit dissapointed.

But (!), some Zoro fans had so immense and unrealistic expectations, it was clear from the beginning they will be dissappointed. Hoping for Zoro solo fighting Kaido, beating him, killing Kaido, being new Ryuuma... It was expected way to much. After all, it was an interesting idea, but it was forced with so much aggression, with so much closed minded argumentation, so much insults... they drove themselves so deep, some of them even deleted their account here or just dissappeared.

So, i guess alot of Zoro fans are dissappointed by the fact ZKK doesnt happen, which i dont understand. I would understand for lacking the Zoro story here. But yeah...
So apparently zkk is x5 lmao also what's wrong with not making a black blade when zoro got handful of the very strongest pu and there's more than haki to get a black blade :seriously:
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No it said that the hero who saved this country, joyboy (meaning luffy), is a hero that rivals the sword god Ryuma.
looking like him wasnt the comparison you lot argued for
being the country's hero was what most had in mind, thats pretty clear.

in that front , No 1023 didnt deliver that at all.
Yes it says rivals and it only been compared by saving the country zoro is more ryuma for been his ancestors
Just wanted to comment on this pic before answering your question

1. Sanji would’ve casually and effortlessly dodged that sword slash and wouldn’t of dropped even a glimmer of blood+even if he did get cut=no damage and Zoro’s swords would shatter

2. If Sanji really countered with a REAL kick like that then Zoro wouldn’t have a head….

But to answer your question:
The same people who believed in ZKK and were sure Sanji wouldn’t fight a Commander 😂🤣💀
Think both had a good arc, fighting Kaido executives and getting cool moments, Zoro especially was the fourth character of the arc, after Luffy, Momo and Kaido, with he winning clashs against Hawkins, Killer and Apoo, getting more backstory, bonding with Hiyori, establishing more for his future in Wano, getting CoC and Enma, fighting in the roof and more info on Black Blades.

Yet, with all those good things that Zoro got in the Arc, the idiots in his fandom couldnt enjoy because they spend years in the ZKK bullshit and become blind for the real story, they for sure are the biggest losers of the arc .
looking like him wasnt the comparison you lot argued for
being the country's hero was what most had in mind, thats pretty clear.

in that front , No 1023 didnt deliver that at all.
Even if Zoro didn't become the hero like Ryuma. You ain't gonna change the fact Ryuma and Zoro are linked, look exactly the same. Oda used a magma dragon that was exactly like Kaido for King vs Zoro ending.

Zoro got the recognition from the Sword God himself during TB, so not bad at all.