Which manga/anime character your personality matches more

Damn get some help maybe? (Not intended to sound like an insult)
No, your good bro 😂👍. It's not like there's something wrong with my personality, I just don't like forgiving people, if you fucked up then suck it up, don't pretend like nothing happened. And I strongly believe if more people were willing to not forgive them the world would be a much better place. When it comes to "passive rage" well, that's just character trait, I might snap off if you press the right buttons and beat the shit out of you, and that's one of the reasons why I got into mortal arts cuz I always ended up getting into troubles.


And I strongly believe if more people were willing to not forgive them the world would be a much better place
More like the opposite
that's just character trait, I might snap off if you press the right buttons and beat the shit out of you
That's no good, it's not a unchangable character trait. You can change, I was like this too when I was younger.
... so that you can beat the shit out of them properly?
Damn get some help maybe? (Not intended to sound like an insult)
Btw, you know what's funny? I took DF quiz and I got Akainu's Magu Magu no mi, and the description below fits me perfectly lol. Take a look...

"The magma fruit. You are very proud and must always maintain a powerful and just image. Everything you do is calculated and for a greater reason, even if it isn't always right to some people. You expect everyone to act with virtue and discipline, or you will have to make them. Nobody is more confident in their vision than you, and nobody will tell you otherwise. You'll never forget traitors, and very seldom forgive those who double-cross you. This power gives you control of magma. Magma is thicker and hotter than flames, which often leads to massive collateral damage when used unrestricted. Has the potential to wipe out entire islands in an instant."


Btw, you know what's funny? I took DF quiz and I got Akainu's Magu Magu no mi, and the description below fits me perfectly lol. Take a look...

"The magma fruit. You are very proud and must always maintain a powerful and just image. Everything you do is calculated and for a greater reason, even if it isn't always right to some people. You expect everyone to act with virtue and discipline, or you will have to make them. Nobody is more confident in their vision than you, and nobody will tell you otherwise. You'll never forget traitors, and very seldom forgive those who double-cross you. This power gives you control of magma. Magma is thicker and hotter than flames, which often leads to massive collateral damage when used unrestricted. Has the potential to wipe out entire islands in an instant."
I guess you'd love living in a mid to high position in an authoritarian military state such as the Aztec empire.:kata:
More like the opposite
A lot of people disagree with me on this one, so that's ok, I'm used to it. But believe that believe helped me life a lot.
That's no good, it's not a unchangable character trait. You can change, I was like this too when I was younger.
But I don't wanna change I feel quite comfortable in my skin.
... so that you can beat the shit out of them properly?
So that they wouldn't be able to beat the shit out of me lol. It turns out that fighting against bigger guys is hella tough, you gotta know how to fight in order to bark on the bigger guys.


A lot of people disagree with me on this one, so that's ok, I'm used to it. But believe that believe helped me life a lot.

But I don't wanna change I feel quite comfortable in my skin.

So that they wouldn't be able to beat the shit out of me lol. It turns out that fighting against bigger guys is hella tough, you gotta know how to fight in order to bark on the bigger guys.
Good for you. I left this kind of attitude long behind me.
I guess you'd love living in a mid to high position in an authoritarian military state such as the Aztec empire.:kata:
No, actually I hate authoritarianism, and overall my justice is way different from Akainu's, it's just that his personality is closest to mine. But we are different in other aspects...
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Good for you. I left this kind of attitude long behind me.
Good for you.