General & Others Which Yonko fanbase is the worst and which are the least worst(Not counting current Yonko's)

Who has the worst fanbase between these Yonko's

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It looks like @Topi Jerami 's constant butthurt bitch crying is working, I have 7 haters now, the number is increasing, keep crying Lopi. :milaugh:

Teach fucked up this dumb clown's brain so bad, he keep talking about imaginary pedo slander lmao.

Its equally stupid you clown lmao.

ZKKlosers fail to comprehend Alber has flame off mode which nerf his defense to a lot, while Kaido doesn't have that flame off weakness.

Thats 1.


All Alber needs to do wait in flame on mode but instead he admits Zolo is a threat to him.

Both Alber and Vegapunk also admitted Lunarians have flame on limit as well, so Alber doesn't have anything better than Kaido clowns.

Vegapunk tells flame on Lunarian to dodge Franky's laser:

Flame on Lunarian Runs away from Yami Teach after 1 random darkness attack lmao.

Ryokugyu also proved Alber has limit, and Marco isn't ragdolling Kaido in 2 v 1 like he did to Alber and not holding him down for a while in 2 v 1 like that.

Alber's defense isn't better than Kaido lmao.

@As for Lopi, see why others are dumb, while I am not, keep crying though. :suresure:
Lol King only said he was a threat after Zoro unlocked ACoC on top of his ACoA
Meanwhile just ACoA was enough to slice even Zoan Kaidou, even more than the Scabbards cut him
His defense shits on Kaidou's. :mihanha:
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WiFi diffing an admiral.

One shotting a 3 billion pirate and his right hand.

Stopping Kekdo from reaching Marineford and traumatizing him so badly you ended up in his top 5.

Drawing with Mihawk back in the day when you were only at 1/4 of your current power and had a Jack level bounty.

Name better feats, I’ll wait.
You know Midd's bounty doesn't reflect his strength right
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Also. One thing I've noticed.

People here shit on Shanks fans for putting him on par or greater than Roger.

But don't Akainu fans do the exact same thing with Garp?
Shanks fans are just yonko fan version of Mihawk /Zoro fans

Forever wishing Shanks is the top 1 over Kaido or equal to Roger /Primebeard
That Shanks is the more of a final villain over Teach
That Shanks can beat Linlin & Kaido

They don't even understand that Shanks is favoured by Oda
His win over Kid has 1v1, it would t happen as so
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There is nothing to argue about:

Shanks may have been more powerful but as a crew the WBP were the strongest, and they lost handily. This is is half the warlords either going rogue or doing barely anything.

WBP were "all powerful " or at least "most powerful " as a crew
BMP is the strongest family and was unmoved empire for decades
RHP is the most balanced crew with infamous top 3 YCs. They have the weakest fleet

Stop quoting databases.
Only Manga and sbs matters. Novels are also more credible than databooks

Shanks having the strongest crew is just headcanon from his fans
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You didnt interract much with them but outside of here. Shanks fans are acting all mighty and saying Shanks defeats everyone no matter what. They are easily one of the most toxic fans.
What is this nonsense
What is imaginary about that dumbass?

When Blackbeard specifically called Bonney as "little girl" then tried to make her as his woman?
How long this dumb clown is going to cry about me in this thread :suresure: You literally tagged everyone by crying about me like a little bitch.

This thread for sure hurts your clown ass.

I just proved you are a lying little bitch:

Calls her ''woman'', no proof that he knew about real Bonney.

Even Nami forgot Momo was a kid and punched him because Momo was in a deceiving Adult form.

This dumb butthurt clown here pretends like not only claims Teach knew about Bonney when there is no proof also acts like Teach couldn't forget due to her deceiving adult form like Nami forget, even if Teach knew which is not even certain.

But then he met Hancock who is canonically the most beautiful woman in the world but Teach never shown any interest towards her.
What is the difference? Oh yeah Hancock is fully grown up unlike Bonney's underage ass.

Look what you see here moron.

As for Hancock, he literally says its difficult to resist her charm you clown lmao. Dumbass, superior Haki users can resist her powers. Even Koby resisted, you think someone like Rayleigh is going to fall for her trick? You are too dumb.

Yeah keep crying dumb bitch.

This is a common trait between you ZKKlosers and Lakainu wankers. :steef:

Keep denying though.
Bring your boy home, he gives embarassment to the entire fandom @Blackbeard
Clown doesn't know he is Lakainu fanboy first, Blackbeard second despite the nickname :milaugh:

Here is another common trait between you, both take the Ls about Teach.

What a retard, lying fat bitch, your crying does not change manga fact.
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Of course there are many evils that deserve death but just opinions on fictional characters is not one of those.
I just made you and La01 my bitches as usual since you can't even reply my argument on how easy to destroy that nonsense about Alber having better defense than Kaido, La01 is crying too by doing nothing but crying in replies, keep wanking one-eyed marimo Luffy underling bitch ZKKloser, only retarded dumbasses can argue otherwise after how I debunked your clown ass about Alber's defense is even being close to Kaido's retard. :milaugh:
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I just made you and La01 my bitches as usual since you can't even reply my argument on how easy to destroy that nonsense about Alber having better defense than Kaido, La01 is crying too by doing nothing but crying in replies, keep wanking one-eyed marimo Luffy underling bitch ZKKloser, only retarded dumbasses can argue otherwise after how I debunked your clown ass about Alber's defense is even being close to Kaido's retard. :milaugh:
Lying fat bitch (LFBerkan), @HA001 calls you bug eyes (you are actually dung eyes). Zoro scarred (fucking scarred Kaido WITHOUT ACOC) but couldn't scar flameless King WITH ACOC. You fucking retard learn to read, learn to fucking read the manga, you know the fucking black and white panels that can be understood by pre teen kids, LEARN TO READ.
Lying fat bitch (LFBerkan), @HA001 calls you bug eyes (you are actually dung eyes). Zoro scarred (fucking scarred Kaido WITHOUT ACOC) but couldn't scar flameless King WITH ACOC. You fucking retard learn to read, learn to fucking read the manga, you know the fucking black and white panels that can be understood by pre teen kids, LEARN TO READ.
Even scabbards hit and scarred Kaido, i never got this point?
How long this dumb clown is going to cry about me in this thread :suresure: You literally tagged everyone by crying about me like a little bitch.

This thread for sure hurts your clown ass.

I just proved you are a lying little bitch:

Calls her ''woman'', no proof that he knew about real Bonney.

Even Nami forgot Momo was a kid and punched him because Momo was in a deceiving Adult form.

This dumb butthurt clown here pretends like not only claims Teach knew about Bonney when there is no proof also acts like Teach couldn't forget due to her deceiving adult form like Nami forget, even if Teach knew which is not even certain.

Look what you see here moron.

As for Hancock, he literally says its difficult to resist her charm you clown lmao. Dumbass, superior Haki users can resist her powers. Even Koby resisted, you think someone like Rayleigh is going to fall for her trick? You are too dumb.

Yeah keep crying dumb bitch.

This is a common trait between you ZKKlosers and Lakainu wankers. :steef:

Clown doesn't know he is Lakainu fanboy first, Blackbeard second despite the nickname :milaugh:

Here is another common trait between you, both take the Ls about Teach.

I just made you and La01 my bitches as usual since you can't even reply my argument on how easy to destroy that nonsense about Alber having better defense than Kaido, La01 is crying too by doing nothing but crying in replies, keep wanking one-eyed marimo Luffy underling bitch ZKKloser, only retarded dumbasses can argue otherwise after how I debunked your clown ass about Alber's defense is even being close to Kaido's retard. :milaugh:
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Even scabbards hit and scarred Kaido, i never got this point?
you do not need to get t. it's normal zkk zealots delusion.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Lying fat bitch (LFBerkan), @HA001 calls you bug eyes (you are actually dung eyes). Zoro scarred (fucking scarred Kaido WITHOUT ACOC) but couldn't scar flameless King WITH ACOC. You fucking retard learn to read, learn to fucking read the manga, you know the fucking black and white panels that can be understood by pre teen kids, LEARN TO READ.
Zoro lost clashes to no flame king using coa.
With acoc he ripped though him

Lerkan a 🤡
Lol King only said he was a threat after Zoro unlocked ACoC on top of his ACoA
Meanwhile just ACoA was enough to slice even Zoan Kaidou, even more than the Scabbards cut him
His defense shits on Kaidou's. :mihanha:
We have another retard ladies and gentlemen. :cheers:

I just destroyed La01 and Blazingclown's ass with ease:

-Alber has flame off weakness, Kaido has not.

-Ryokugyu neg-diffed Flame off Alber same as Queen. Alber's flame off defense is shit. Even nerfed Ace didn't get fodderized vs Aokiji unlike Alber was vs Ryokugyu.

-Alber's defense doesn't work like superior Haki defense of Emperors. Law neg diffs that Lunarian defense, teleports them and other DF hax works on Lunarians, and Marco's flame attacks were working on Alber too. Superior Haki defense is much better as it can counter DF hax, Lunarian defense doesn't do that.

-Even flame on Lunarians have limits as Vegapunk told flame on S-Shark to dodge Franky laser and flame on SHawk run away vs 1 random darkness attack from Teach.

Easy to destroy Alber wankers as usual.
:cheers: :steef::holdthisl:


World's Strongest Swordsman
What do you mean they didn't?
They hit him and pierced him, what is that?
I genuinely don't understand why that is not the same?
We literally see their swords piercing him.
Which btw I hated because scabbards did that and then became irrelevant again.
They couldn't even open his old scar let alone make a new one. Learn how to read.