Questions & Mysteries Which Zoro interactions you rather see Bonney or Tashigi?

Look forward to both. Tashigi was one of the first - maybe the first - to witness Zoros CoC. Apoo, Urouge, Bonney all commented on Zoro vs Charlros.

Apoo claimed Zoro was a Beast and then got to experience it first hand being cut down.

Urouge praised Luffy and acknowledged Zoro. He will witness how strong Luffy truly is if he is capable of being the boss of a monster like Zoro.

Bonney called Zoro crazy. Now she will learn what real crazy is with Luffy doing something outrageous again.
Zoro and tashigi actually have an interesting dynamic that if dived into can help develop both characters alot

Bonney and zoro seem irrelevant to eachother
Bonney will likely get better interactions with luffy and possibly even sanji
Oh boy I sure can't wait to see S4nji's hilarious and original reaction to seeing Bonney

Sanji is a cook and actually has lots of interesting dynamics within the crew and out of the crew

If we being honest zoro doesn't have many outside the crew. Tashigi being one of his more significant ones
Most of you who replied here are Sanji fans and never cared about her tho

yea can't wait for more Tashigi annoying Zoro because she is a woman she isn't weak and he doesn't respect her and she deserve respect and bla bla :seriously:
Zoro does respect Tashigi and he pays attention to her growth.