General & Others Who’s who vivre card


所属船 :
身長: 336cm
血液型: F型

初JC巻九十七 第978話
ネコネコの実古代種 モデル サーベルタイガー


百獣海賊団幹部である 飛び六胞”のメンバー。 常にクールな実力者で、 子分からの信頼も厚い。かつてはCP9に属し、ジャブラと同世代だった。だが、任務失敗により政府から逃亡するも捕まり、投獄された。脱獄し海賊団船長としての活動後、百獣海賊団に加入する。現在は鬼ヶ島城内4階「ネコ科フェ」を根城に、カイドウに忠誠を示している。だが隙あらば大看板の座を狙う野心家だ。

"七武海時代のジンベエと顔を合わせた事がある模様。仮面の下の素顔が、 来歴を知る手がかりとなるか...!?

↓「殺してェ奴」とは、 飛び六胞の裏切り者、ドレークの事。 例え馬が合わないクイーンと

百獣海賊団の傘下となった現在も、船長としての誇りは健在。 再起のチャンスを狙う。


Before ??
CP9で有望株として 注目される

Before ??

Before 12
ゴムゴムの中に 実を奪われ、任務失敗により投獄

Before 11
脱獄してCP9を脱退し フーズ・フー海賊団を結成

Before ??
百獣海賊団の傘下に入り その後飛び六胞に昇格

Before 00
キングに召集され 鬼ヶ島へ集結

Before 00
大看板への挑戦権をかけ ヤマト捜索を開始

Before 00
Ship :
Birthday : March 15
Age: 38 years old
Height: 336cm
Zodiac Sign:Pisces
Blood Type: F
Birthplace: "North Blue
Favorite food: Crab paella
Bounty: 546 million
CV: Hiroshi Nojima

First Appearance: Vol. 97 Chapter 978
Devil Fruit: Ancient Zoan Model Saber Tooth Tiger

An ambitious former pirate captain with an eagle eye for the "All Star" position!

He is a member of the "Flying Six", an executive of the Beast Pirates. He is always a cool and capable person, and is trusted by his henchmen. He used to be a member of CP9 and was the same generation as Jabra. However, due to a failed mission, he escaped from the government, but was caught and imprisoned. After escaping from prison and working as a pirate captain, he joined the Best Pirates. Currently, he has a stronghold on the 4th floor of Onigashima Castle, the "Feline Fae," and is loyal to Kaido. However, he is an ambitious man who aims for the position of an All Star member whenever he gets the chance.

He has a history with Jinbei.
"It appears that he once met Jinbei when he was a Shichibukai. His true face under the mask may give us a clue to his history...?

↓The "guy you want to kill" refers to Drake, the traitor of the Flying Six. Even if he and Queen don't get along they will work together to kill Drake…

Even though he is now under the umbrella of the Beast Pirates, his pride as a captain is still alive and well. He aims for a second chance.


Before ?
He was a promising young agent in CP9.

Before ??
Dumped by Gatherine, a waitress.

Before 12
Imprisoned for failure to complete a mission after the rubber fruit was stolen from him by a certain band of pirates.

Before 11
Escaped from prison, left CP9, and formed the Who's Who Pirates.

Before ?
Joined the Beast Pirates and was later promoted to the Flying Six.

Before 00
Summoned to Onigashima by King

Before 00
Started searching for Yamato for the right to challenge an All Star.

Before 00
Begins battle with Jinbei.