General & Others Who are the characters who defeated Kaido 7 times?

In his flashback, we've seen 5 figures
out of the five, two are confirmed to never defeat Kaido and those are Oden and Shanks.
Oden left a scar that can't be considered a defeat, and Shanks stopped him.

One possibility is Roger in the rock valley,
WB might have defeated him in the past when he tried to contest him, and Rocks is debatable, idk see Kaido ever trying to put up a fight against his leader.

Other possible candidates who might have defeated him
other top tier marines or Pirates

what do you guys think?


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In his intro they said he lost "7 times as a pirate" didn't said 1v1 or 1 v many

And that he singlehandedly challenged the navy and the 4 emperors ( which is obviously a stupid thing to do and probably the reason he lost against them )

If he had won there would be no navy / 4 emperors anymore i guess, so he took most of the Ls from them

During god valley he was a pirate and Rocks pirates took all a big L that can also be considered a defeat

Well they also said that he was captured 18 times by the navy and to be captured u must well lose ( though it was explained that he let himself captured when he was hungry xD ) so these shouldn't count.....

i think all of these Ls comes 1 from god valley and 6 from this suicidal attempts like going solo against a Yonko & his crew or Navy admirals + their fleet