Who has more authority under Zahard's empire? Adori Zahard or Molic One P. GR?

We know that Adori Zahard is the Commander-in-Chief of Zahard's Army as well as the captain of Zahard's Royal Guards

Molic One is the being who actually rules the Tower when zahard in inactive. His influence is comparable to the 10 Great Family Heads

So between them , who has higher authority?

@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Dream @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Tai long @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Hako Sama @Medeia @Marimo_420 etc
Good question. I don't actually know. I think Adori since she has some prestige.
Molic by far, that should not even be a question.

if Zahard can trust someone else to literally rule in his absence that alone should signify the level of authority, Adori is simply just the strongest soldier at the end of the day.
Ofc Moloch since by definition he rules the whole tower (Zahard empire) when the King is in slumber while Adori only the army
It is bizarre how adori is ranked higher than molic though. They should be comparable in strength but if molic's authority is higher, he should have ranked higher no?
Molic is essentially a chief of staff/ a VP tho who acts as a ruler for some time because Zahard's inactive while Adori is the actual leader of the army. And like i already said in NF/Fanverse, all SIU blogposts are deleted and Molic One's not mentioned in the actual Manhwa story so far, so he's non-canon for now unlike Adori and i'll treat them as such.


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It is bizarre how adori is ranked higher than molic though. They should be comparable in strength but if molic's authority is higher, he should have ranked higher no?
She could be stronger but if we're talking about authority and if Molic literally takes Zahard's place, he has more authority than her