Controversial Who is more controversial for their own respective series' fanbases? Sasuke or Zoro?

Who is more controversial in their respective series fanbases?

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Obviously inspired by the discussion in @Mr.Baj1o's thread.

So who is the more controversial character among the fanbase of the series they're a part of?

Sasuke for Naruto fanbase


Zoro for OnePiece fanbase

@Tyki_Mikk @SakazOuki @Roo @Peroroncino @Elder Lee Hung @NikaInParis @Mr. Reloaded @CoC: Color of Clowns @Apollo @TheAncientCenturion @AL sama @Doggo @Natalija @MonsterKaido @Cross_Marian @Bisoromi Bear @ConquistadoR @Toby D. Dog @Indigo @Fujishiro @Seatonnes @Rej @Flower @Indigo @Kerkovian @Pringles @Kurozumi Wiwi @MarineHQ @Natalija @Sentinel @TheKnightOfTheSea @Blackbeard @Bepo D. Bear @MonochromeYoru @Owl Ki @Sir Yasheen @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Pot Goblin @Rottkins @Jaguark101
@Alexis2282AE @Monkey D Monkey @kenedyfake @Topi Jerami @Sentinel @comrade @Den_Den_Mushi @trav @Demongodzolo @Marimo_420 @Aknolagon @Cyrus the Cactus @Rivaille @Monet @Garp the Fist @Gol D. Roger @Afroking @ImmaIvanoM @MarineHQ @Luffy bin Dragon @Luffy is the mc @Rmstorm @Fleet Leader Fenaker @yj @Fiji @Playa4321 @Guan Yu @Ice devil slayer @Sword God Ryuma @Zenos7 @Akai2 @MasterD @RayanOO @Haoshoku @Dark Hound @Camie @Thabeast @style @zorojurou @RyumaZoro @Gon’s Missing Arm @Yo Tan Wa @Orojackson Refugee @Sunita @IceWitch @ShadyOjiro @LolonoisZolo @Grumpy Zoro @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Natalija @Enma @Rukusho @Sade @Sadistic Senpai @stormylife @Geo @Reborn @Cinera @ShishioIsBack @Shishi @Nidai_Kitetsu @Mikail @mly90 @The White Crane @Gauntlet @Kuro Ashi @sanjikun @Extravlad @Lion of Olympus @Buusatan94 @AL sama @Patryipe @Kiwipom @Owl Ki @Salah WG @stairs-kun @BOCCHI @EtenBoby @Fujishiro @Bogard @Punpun @Seth @Elder Lee Hung @I'mTired @Gensui Sazid @Marco @Erkan12 @Blackbeard @Alpha @matt245 @God D usopp @Shanal @ConquistadoR @Jet Pistol @Captain Luffy @Brendan Schaub @park_min young @Daikenki @WesMidnight @Echizen_Jo_Ndule @serialwinnerv7 @Malick the last Light @yorosenpai @Shinsekai @King of the world @ShadowStyle369 @Daikenki @Seth @LadyVados @BornInAbyss @Fuckthis3 @ShiNoGekai @hayze moya @Meeyori @Franosuke @wys @Lor D. Coast @Kerkovian @wordy @Psychiatrist @kumae @Mr. Reloaded @Taylor_ @ChefboiiFuego @Blazing Lion @grey matter @Owari Da @Malio @OGshine @HAJI @Kurozumi Giggio @Mr.Baj1o @Red Admiral @Mr.9000 @Vanlax @Bt7207. @Croco boy @Herrera95 @JayKitetsu @LilPanda @hedera__helix @Redboy776 @Cruxroux @JoNdule @Veku @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Garps tekkai @Gari @HA001 @Foul Legacy @Moegara @ZenZu @kyejames316 @Kōri no kokyū @L57 @Chrono
Is there real controversy for either?
Well in terms of in universe events I'd assume Sasuke becoming a literal terrorist is quite controversial. But the topic is more about who generates more polarizing discussions in the fanbase of their series.
Why is Zoro controversial?
Mostly related to powerscaling but he has some diehard wankers and diehard downplayers who despise the very existence of each other.
Zoro triggers more People imo because He is Deuteragonist who doesn't oppose MC nor is Insecure about him, so it opens more Discussions & gives ability to include more Characters aside from MC in them.
From my experience, a lot of this is just powerscaling though. No one legitimately hates Zoro apart from the most extreme Sanjitards. Mfs hated Sasuke's very character and existence
Nothing really controversial about Zoro character. He’s barely had any characterization post time skip. His fandom takes are controversial I guess, but delusional probably more fitting.

sauce was controversial for a multitude of reasons. From his motives, All the way down to Every major relationship he has are controversial! from his connection to Naruto/itachi, to his interactions with Karin/Sakura.
Never cared for Midruto and wasnt a part of the fandom at the time. In OP fandom it seems that in terms of fanbase Zoro fans are fighting against every other fanbase at the same time, mostly due to PL.
vs Luffy fans due to PL
vs Sanji fans due to PL
vs Kid/Law fans due to PL
vs Yonko fans due to Mihawk
vs Shanks fans due to Mihawk
vs Admiral fans due to Mihawk
vs Gorosei fans due to Mihawk
From my experience, a lot of this is just powerscaling though. No one legitimately hates Zoro apart from the most extreme Sanjitards. Mfs hated Sasuke's very character and existence
U asked about Controversy, meaning who triggers more Disputes & Disagreements between Fans in any Subject related to him,
But if you mean who divides the Fandom more in terms of Loving/Hating said Character, then it's easily Sasuke.
Zoro triggers more People imo because He is Deuteragonist who doesn't oppose MC nor is Insecure about him, so it opens more Discussions & gives ability to include more Characters aside from MC in them.
This perfectly sums up what Zoro is .. and this is why he's controversial, he's not like Vegeta, Sasuke, Hiei, Zebra etc.

Zoro doesn't oppose Luffy but pushes him forward.

Sasuke was controversial for more or less the decisions he made.

They're both controversial, but in different ways.