Controversial Who is the biggest fanboy of every character?

Luffy: @WesMidnight
Zoro: @nik87
Sanji: @MonsterZoro
Nami: @OnePiss
Usopp: @Moewu
Chopper: @Lebrent
Robin: Don't know any but if I had to guess @NicoRobinIsQueen
Franky: @Jew D. Boy
Brook: Never seen one
Jimbei: @GangOruka (sorry TKOTS)

Mihawk: @Den_Den_Mushi
Kuma: @Kumathegoat
Crocodile: @Sir Yasheen
Hancock: @Warchief Sanji D Goat
Doflamingo: Several come to mind but I think @Kiiro wanks him to the moon
Moria: Never seen one, actually @Shiroyru didn't you used to hype Prime Moria lol?

Shanks: @Red Admiral
Kaido: @The DevilMaster
Big Mom: @Rosella.Fiamingo
Blackbeard: @Erkan12
Whitebeard: Pretty sure everyone is equally a Whitebeard fanboy
Buggy: @Rottkins

Akainu: Tough call but have to give it to @Elder Lee Hung as the leader of Admiral fans
Kizaru: @ZenZu
Kuzan: @MarineHQ
Fujitora: @Fujishiro
Ryokugyu: @kurwa
Garp: @Xione
Sengoku: @The Legend
Coby: @Ssg super suit coby

Kid: @Lukegranders
Law: @Heart pirate
Killer: @rerere
Bege: Myself
Hawkins: @Kejon is the only one I think I've ever seen
Apoo: @Fuckthis3, easy
Urouge: @Seatonnes
Drake: @TheAncientCenturion by default
Bonney: @Erkan12

Gorosei & Imu: @Gauntlet
Dragon: "..."
Rayleigh: @Gol D. Roger
Gaban: Too early to call
Roger: @God Ward

Marco: @RayanOO
Ace: @Bogard
King: EDIT: People are right, TAC deserves this one
Katakuri: @JoNdule
Shiryu: @Topi Jerami

Vista: @The Legend

Its an honor. Thanks. Even Veku, Sanjikun arent real fans of Doffy.
Nik has been Shiryu fan for as long as I can remember tbh have seen him countless times defending him against a lot of Zori bros who are self sabotaging with their shiryu downplay
You confirmed what @HA001 said, as he in likes the character, not because of "self ssabotiging reasons" or anything related to zor

Which his worse imo cause that character is asscheeks devinart ass edgelord :willight:
Name me one member besides me that was arguing in good faith for Lucci throughout Egghead, without trying to elevate Luffy or Zoro. I'll wait...
I understand if you're shitting on Lucci for the memes but try to be objective in this thread.
While toon force is inherently terrible imo, Oda still handled this fight well powerlevel wise if one puts in enough effort.

First off I want to highlight something about Nika, his strength increases when he laughs more, not when he's angry or increases his size (until further notice)

Meaning Goofy was at the height of his devil fruit power against Lucci

Lucci disobeyed orders at first and attacked Luffy without a second thought, however with Sentomaru's presence Lucci had to switch targets to eliminate him.
So Lucci never actually tried attacking Nika in this chapter, and this was literally reiterated 3 times.

All that considered, Lucci took these attacks unguarded, simply because Luffy outskilled him with his freedom fighting and also because Lucci was concentrated on eliminating Sentomaru.
I guess some people were right when they assumed toon force didn't activate due to absence of direct contact

Lucci tanked this new Gear 5 move to the face and recovered immediately

Note that:
-Nika is smiling and being Goofy, meaning he is using his awakening strength effectively.
-Luffy's CoA is strong as shit relatively. Remember that barrier haki he used against Kaido's Flame Dragon to avoid making contact? Well that's the same CoA he's using here only not channelled with emission lol.
-The use of the "Don" sfx

Luffy was also likely using FS here, there's no other scenario where it makes sense for him to appear from beneath the ground here

This is the punch that fucked Lucci up, the main difference from the other 2 is the application of toon force here (and maybe internal destruction?)

But the main points stand:
-Lucci was unguarded when he received any of these attacks
-He wasn't putting much effort into fighting Luffy as securing the seraphim was a far more important objective
This still doesn't forgive him for not reacting to these attacks by dodging/using Tekkai to minimize the damage, but it's not bad for a character of this rank to withstand these peak laughing Goofy attacks while unguarded.

Ofcourse we can't forget the one time where they directly clashed, Luffy was most likely not using CoC but regardless, this fist clash was equal and Luffy was even closing his eye from the intensity, resulting in both characters being sent flying

What was also super impressive is bypassing Sentomaru's barrier without trouble and still dealing that massive damage.
Without this barrier Sento might as well have completely died

It took ~1min for Lucci to get up as good as new, and in the meanwhile Luffy was suffering from stamina issues (goes to show that he was actually trying lol)
By the time Lucci sprung back up, Luffy returned to normal.

Kinda reminiscent of Enies Lobby if you ask me

But yeah Lucci achieved his objective of reclaiming the Seraphim and is looking well for the rest of the arc, too early to meme on him imo

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @MarineHQ @Blackbeard @ZenZu @Veku @Ryuarashi @ShishioIsBack @Le Fishe D. Tomdou etc
:steef: tell me who I wank most
Post automatically merged:

Luffy: Kerkovian , Yonko God luffy
Zoro: Nik, ShishioIsBack , Fenaker , CD shadows , etc
Sanji: Chaves (?) , Yasheen , Pandaman , BillSlipton , Embers Kaios
Nami: AverageNamiEnjoyer
Usopp: Water1415
Chopper: PeperLevi
Robin: nikorobin
Franky: Tejas (?)
Brook: Shiroyu?
Jinbe: TheKnightOfTheSea

Mihawk: nik87 , Zoro fans
Kuma: Kumathegoat
Weevil: No one
Crocodile: Sir Yasheen
Hancock: Warchief Sanji D Goat BoaHancocksHusband
Doflamingo: Veku, Plex, ConquistadoR ; Roo
Moria: No one

Shanks: Red Admiral , mmd , comrade , GalaxyLevelShanks
Kaido: Sasaki Kojiro , Me
Big Mom: Philosoraptor , Ven437
Teach: Erkan12
Whitebeard: Just a member
Buggy: Rottkins

Akainu: Elder Lee Dung , LakazOuki , Marine HQ, Kiniyagi
Kizaru: ZenZu
Aokiji: MarineHQ
Fujitora: Fujishiro
Ryokugyu: Germinator
Garp: Garp the Fist
Sengoku: The Buddha
Coby: Ssg super suit coby @ber

Kid: Pantheos , rerere , Monkey D Theories
Law: park_min young , Roo
Killer: rerere
Bege: JoNdule
Hawkins: Kejon
Apoo: Fuckthis3
Urouge: Seatonnes
Drake: TheAncientCenturion , RayanOO
Bonney: Idk tbh

Gorosei: TheKnightOfTheSea , Gauntlet
Dragon: Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier , Cross_Marian
Rayleigh: Gol D. Roger
Gaban: Sanji fans
Roger: Gol D. Roger
Imu: Me , Konstantis

Marco: Bogard
Ace: Bogard
King: me , Hanzo hattori , PortgasDMor TAC , Nik , mly90 etc
Katakuri: JoNdule , HAJI
Shiryu: nik87 , Erkan
I like strong women in OP. Bonus if they are hot or have attractive features cuz Oda don’t beat around the bush and goes for ideal body type, he knows what men wants

Nami is garbage and Robin is mid btw
Yeah no honestly, Robin is best woman, Gunko is second best, robin is best in anime tho while Gunko isn't the best in anime but second best in one piece, best character in history too