Controversial Who is the biggest hater/downplayer of every character?

His coa was strong enough to cut G4's arms though which Doffy failed to show.
He hits Vergo once and Vergo endures it. Vergo hits DFless Cracker once and it is game over.
Although Cracker probably has a bit stronger haki, Vergo's endurance and stamina >>>.

But but but Law one shotted him -> same Law would also fodderize Cracker and his biscuit army.
But but but Cracker fought for 11 hours -> all he did was making more soldiers by clapping hands. Not fighting directly, just clapping hands like 4 year old.
Law never took the full force of tb on his head
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Oda protected Law twice :
A TB lightning that only hits Law in the stomach (while he puts up a guard)
Linlin being on her back as she punches Law, which lessen her raw power

While Kid gets to be hit by Linlin's powerful attacks and punched from BM swinging normally as she's on her feet
Huh? What is this cope

Headshots don't mean squat. First time base Luffy took a Ragnarok across his body he was lights out. Second time he took a far stronger Ragnarok 2nd time to the head and he got out with just an ouchie. Characters get stronger for whatever reason. Law benefited from that new gen rooftop tax

Law didn't put up a guard on time. His sword was still in the same swing position when Kaido hit him. Law straight-up tanked that shit, he was conscious, and went on to fight BM

Being on her back lessening her raw power is pure headcanon. Law also took several CoA punches whereas Kid only took a base punch

Law's durability and endurance has been consistently high. In PH, in DR, and in Wano. Never one-shot, always impressive stamina
Law most likely would be K.O.ed if thunder bagua hits him on his head. TB is tailored made to K.O. opponents by landing it on head.

Law doesn't have G4 dura either.
Saying TB is tailored made to KO by hitting the head is like saying Kidd is tailor made to beat swordsmen cuz he can take away their swords

Law's dura is higher than post-WCI G4's too. Man tanked CoA punches to the head from BM. Two hakiless shots from O-Lin KOd an ancient Zoan YC2. A single haki clash by BM left G4 drained from haki. Base punches damaged Big Father Castle which Kat and Smoothie didn't try attacking

It is what it is. Oda respects big doctor too much to allow him to get one-shot
Saying TB is tailored made to KO by hitting the head is like saying Kidd is tailor made to beat swordsmen cuz he can take away their swords

Law's dura is higher than post-WCI G4's too. Man tanked CoA punches to the head from BM. Two hakiless shots from O-Lin KOd an ancient Zoan YC2. A single haki clash by BM left G4 drained from haki. Base punches damaged Big Father Castle which Kat and Smoothie didn't try attacking

It is what it is. Oda respects big doctor too much to allow him to get one-shot
You are mixing dura with endurance. Law's dura isn't higher and BM's punches were unnamed and adv coc less.

TB is a named adv coc attack from hybrid Kaido. It would be like if hypothetically Bigger mom used ikoku with adv coc coating.
Saying TB is tailored made to KO by hitting the head is like saying Kidd is tailor made to beat swordsmen cuz he can take away their swords

Law's dura is higher than post-WCI G4's too. Man tanked CoA punches to the head from BM. Two hakiless shots from O-Lin KOd an ancient Zoan YC2. A single haki clash by BM left G4 drained from haki. Base punches damaged Big Father Castle which Kat and Smoothie didn't try attacking

It is what it is. Oda respects big doctor too much to allow him to get one-shot
Are you saying Bigmom CoA punches ~ Kaidou Thunder bagua?
He hits Vergo once and Vergo endures it. Vergo hits DFless Cracker once and it is game over.
Although Cracker probably has a bit stronger haki, Vergo's endurance and stamina >>>.

But but but Law one shotted him -> same Law would also fodderize Cracker and his biscuit army.
But but but Cracker fought for 11 hours -> all he did was making more soldiers by clapping hands. Not fighting directly, just clapping hands like 4 year old.
Lol Cracker nearly cut G4 Luffy's arm off.
He would just cut Vergo's head off and be done with it.
Law most likely would be K.O.ed if thunder bagua hits him on his head. TB is tailored made to K.O. opponents by landing it on head.

Law doesn't have G4 dura either.
This is a high assumption, Kinemon took a full acoc swing to the head while Kaido killed boundman with a body shot. TB to the head may or may not knock him out but leaning on no. It does have merit since attacks landing on a more vital part is facts. But it’s like me saying that Law should have beaten BB if Shockwille went through his head lol

Law got knocked down and was up 2 seconds later without any lasting injuries. Bigger Mom’s barrage of punches actually looked like it affected Law a lot more. We saw a panel of him seemingly enduring/suppressing the pain later.
This is a high assumption, Kinemon took a full acoc swing to the head while Kaido killed boundman with a body shot. TB to the head may or may not knock him out but leaning on no. It does have merit since attacks landing on a more vital part is facts. But it’s like me saying that Law should have beaten BB if Shockwille went through his head lol

Law got knocked down and was up 2 seconds later without any lasting injuries. Bigger Mom’s barrage of punches actually looked like it affected Law a lot more. We saw a panel of him seemingly enduring/suppressing the pain later.
Kinnemon was almost dead though. He was K.O.ed by no name attack of base Kaido. Obvi if oda wants no matter how absurd it is , they won't die like pell , pound etc.

Roaring TB was done by drunken Kaido and is stronger variant of basic TB.

Any attack done on head by logic should be more lethal. It was thought to be impossible of how WB was able to go on when akainu blew a chunk of his face for example compared to whole in his body.
This is a high assumption, Kinemon took a full acoc swing to the head while Kaido killed boundman with a body shot.
Difference between a named attack and a non named attack.

TB to the head may or may not knock him out but leaning on no.
It most likely will , it's kaidou version of Kamasuri.
Luffy was victim to it , Kidd was victim to Kamasuri. Same goes for Law , Who i probably think got the worst Durablity among those three.
Bigger Mom’s barrage of punches actually looked like it affected Law a lot more. We saw a panel of him seemingly enduring/suppressing the pain later.
Again it's straight Dumb to compare a Named CoC attack to Bigmom CoA punches.

Again also which boundman vs Kaidou we are talking about? I'm confused , all the conflict had named names , not Random swings.
Kinnemon was almost dead though. He was K.O.ed by no name attack of base Kaido. Obvi if oda wants no matter how absurd it is , they won't die like pell , pound etc.

Roaring TB was done by drunken Kaido and is stronger variant of basic TB.

Any attack done on head by logic should be more lethal. It was thought to be impossible of how WB was able to go on when akainu blew a chunk of his face for example compared to whole in his body.
Kinemon was almost dead because of the added stabbing and he was already heavily injured to boot. Kaido used multiple clubbings to put down the Scabbards offscreen.

We’re basing it off on Law’s state after taking TB, it was just a knockdown and he was far from done. There was no emphasis on the attack nerfing him at all, it was an afterthought.
Difference between a named attack and a non named attack.

It most likely will , it's kaidou version of Kamasuri.
Luffy was victim to it , Kidd was victim to Kamasuri. Same goes for Law , Who i probably think got the worst Durablity among those three.

Again it's straight Dumb to compare a Named CoC attack to Bigmom CoA punches.

Again also which boundman vs Kaidou we are talking about? I'm confused , all the conflict had named names , not Random swings.
Still used acoc

It most likely will not, durability has no bearing here. They all have the same durability, we’re basing it off on Law’s endurance feats.

Kamusari isn’t TB, false equivalence.

How is it dumb when Law looked more uncomfortable taking BM’s punches? We are comparing attacks done on the same character.
Kinemon was almost dead because of the added stabbing and he was already heavily injured to boot. Kaido used multiple clubbings to put down the Scabbards offscreen.

We’re basing it off on Law’s state after taking TB, it was just a knockdown and he was far from done. There was no emphasis on the attack nerfing him at all, it was an afterthought.
My bro kinemon surviving his is just plot armour when Luffy was half dead with such strikes.

Who? Bigmom? No.
Kaidou against Kinemon? Yes. But again no named attack.

How is it dumb when Law looked more uncomfortable taking BM’s punches? We are comparing attacks done on the same character.
Because he was static at one place with continously barrage , Kaidou gave a hit and was done.
My bro kinemon surviving his is just plot armour when Luffy was half dead with such strikes.

Who? Bigmom? No.
Kaidou against Kinemon? Yes. But again no named attack.

Because he was static at one place with continously barrage , Kaidou gave a hit and was done.
Plot armor or not, the point was made. Headshots being way deadlier than body shots is headcanon territory. It’s true to some extent but it did no heavy damage or was mentioned ever again which means Law can take a lot more than that level of named attack from Kaido. That is the simplest explanation rather than this headcanon that TB can knock him out lol.

TB is just blunt force trauma, not a stab attack btw. Its placement shouldn’t matter that much compared to piercing a precise target. You get hit by a 20-ton truck in the abdomen or the head and you’re dead either way. Its AP was just not good enough to knock out Law.
So we denying entire plot armour
A simple question ,
Thunder Bagua or Bigmom Consequetive CoA punches.
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TB is just blunt force trauma, not a stab attack btw. Its placement shouldn’t matter that much compared to piercing a precise target.
It does matter lmao. , Headsets are much more harmful than body Shots.

The way you're going, Law and Kinemon > Oden lol , because he took No named Hit too lol.

When we saw bro body tanked kamasuri lmao.

That CP guy and Kinemon surviving is pure plot armour.
Bigmom CoA punches doesn't match upto Thunder bagua.
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Kinemon was almost dead because of the added stabbing and he was already heavily injured to boot. Kaido used multiple clubbings to put down the Scabbards offscreen.

We’re basing it off on Law’s state after taking TB, it was just a knockdown and he was far from done. There was no emphasis on the attack nerfing him at all, it was an afterthought.

Still used acoc

It most likely will not, durability has no bearing here. They all have the same durability, we’re basing it off on Law’s endurance feats.

Kamusari isn’t TB, false equivalence.

How is it dumb when Law looked more uncomfortable taking BM’s punches? We are comparing attacks done on the same character.
From what we see Kaido never used adv coc against scabbards in roof top. He used it against kinnemon who was barely hanging by a thread. An attack on head can make law go unconscious imo. Especially hybrid Kaido's named signature attack. Law doesn't have luffy's G4 dura or yamato's ice defense plus mythical zoan dura.