Questions & Mysteries Who Will fight the Numbers on Onigashima?

I forget that there are Yakuza bosses :giogio: i guess they will fight Numbers then . i just feel like they will

Also there are 4 of them while there are 5 Numbers , so not far off in terms of number .

Maybe that big guy from Law's crew ( Jean Bart ) will take on the remaining 1 . Chopper may not be ready to take on a Number yet
( though imo he will take on San Juan Wolf vs Blackbeard Pirates later )
I don't think they're that strong. Franky might fight them. Nami or Usopp could also fight them.
Well, all the headliners with the exception of Flying6 and Hawkins (and Apoo i guess) so far are pure trash, so if the numbers are bellow them then Beast Pirates are basically:
King Queen Jack
Flying6 Hawkins Apoo
And 2 of the 'strong' guys joined just recently.

Numbers i think are part of his original crew, while Headliners are captains of fodder that joined later when they established themselves on Wano

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
It’s been long enough that the news of what’s going on in Wano has spread to all representative crews of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet wherever they may be...could be that the big thing they’re supposed to do in the future as of Dressrosa? A bunch of outsiders infiltrating a notoriously isolated country and bringing down a ton of magical demons would certainly qualify in my eyes.
These thoughts are too dumb after the chapter where one of them defeated alone Inuarashi,Ashura,Denjiro and Nekomamushi. The Numbers are worthy opponents of Luffy and Zoro.
Meh , Inu and Neko from 20 years ago . and this one Number might've caught them off guard

pretty sure none of the Numbers is stronger than Oars Jr . and Oars Jr was wrecked after just 1 Ursus Shock from Kuma

Luffy is definitely >> Kuma at this point , Zoro on the same level as Kuma at least .

I don't even think any of the Numbers is stronger than this guy , they're weaker infact
and Zoro already washed him in Dressrosa