General & Others Who will give The WORST live action performance?


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I don't the mine the thread pg it just saying who might have the worst performance if somehow they manage to impressive you good for them fuck that unnecessary sensitive
From what I've seen from the trailers, the script looks to be a much bigger problem than the actors here. Whenever I have seen a scene that looks off, it is not because of a subpar delivery on any of the actor's part but because the actors were told to say something weirdly out of character for the character that the actor is playing.

Prime example is that scene where Luffy says "I'm sensing some tension in the crew." with Nami and Zoro responding with "Not a crew!". The delivery was fine but the line is just not something you should see from an adaptation of One Piece. That shit just doesn't fit the characters or the style of humour in the manga/anime.

Iniaki is definitely a really good fit for Luffy. Why so much hate. Watch the interviews or something. He definitely has the right energy, although he's likely mexican pirates came in all races, he doesn't have to be japanese. The biggest pirates came from UK, but that doesn't mean they should all be british actors.