Controversial Whose the biggest Menace in one piece


Sasaki Kojirō

Blackbeard is currently cute compared to other antagonists in terms of evil...
Kaidou for example, not even 20 years of prayer were enough to stop him from killing the hero that an entire country had been waiting for.
Kaidou was already very bad even though Orochi was the Shogun, Kaidou called someone like Orochi who was an abomination "soft".

And indeed it was, since children could still play around in wano, Kaidou would however enslave everyone, old people, children, women, it didn't matter to him.

For him, cooking a member of the Whitebeard pirates, and the Roger pirates, and an heir to the Wano Oden shogunate is nothing more than a game, cooking in oil for 1 hour works. And in the end he killed Oden with a shot to his head.

He killed the Daimyos, Hyogoro's wife and his children, Oden, Toki, Kaidou started murdering everyone and the number of graves only increased.


There were also those attempts to overthrow Orochi from power mentioned by Yasue that ended in failure thanks to the overwhelming power of kaidou that transcended everything
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Logically speaking, Gorosei. I think we can all agree its just a matter of time until we see the full extend of their atrocities.

But from what we actually are aware of:

Probably Doflamingo for being the centerpiece of the Underworld.
I personally say Blackbeard dude killed a guy for a devil fruit
Luffy declared war on the world government and then broke into prison and broke back out. Then he punched a celestial dragon. Declared war on all of the Yonko. He’s literally toppling every regime in One Piece.
Luffy declared war on the world government and then broke into prison and broke back out. Then he punched a celestial dragon. Declared war on all of the Yonko. He’s literally toppling every regime in One Piece.
That is less being a menace and more a agent of justice.
Oh yeah... Big Mom > Sabo > Crocodile in terms of menacing
Idk what Crocodile did to the alabasta royal guard was pretty essence of menace.

They basically killed themselves to give them the strength to fight, and rather than fighting them, croc just teleported to the top of the palace and watched as they died making their sacrifice meaningless and making them have some of the most disrespectful deaths in this manga.