Questions & Mysteries Why are people taking their anger with zoro fans on zoro

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Because Oda is trolling the hell out of the fanbase, and people are getting way ahead of themselves falling for it.

Also, most people don't hate Zoro/Sanji that much, it's their fans (stans/simps) that drive people nuts.

I want Zoro to kill Kaido, and I love Zoro and Sanji about equally, but I think it's hilarious how the people who've been going after Sanji fans forever are getting it thrown back in their faces with crazy ZKK-failed-posts.

Zoro's bounty will probably quiet people down. Depends on what the government knows, though. Do they have proof Zoro fought on the roof? What about his "fight" against Apoo? What about him fighting Killer outside of Ringo by the bridge?

If the WG has proof Sanji has utilized the Raid Suit, they may also make Sanji's bounty bigger than normal, fearing he's connected to Germa.