Questions & Mysteries Why did Mihawk switched from Katana to Yoru?

Because Yoru is the strongest sword in the world.

So he wield and turn it into a black blade.
How someone living in a solo lifestyle was able to acquire Yoru out of everyone is a big mystery.

And the weird part is no one seems to be afraid of his presence unlike Yonko and admirals despite his WSS status + $3.5bn bounty.

Maybe as the name implies, he is a vampire and his race were wiped out like the Lunarian and Oni who have crazy levels of strength and durability.
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That's a wooden practice sword
Besides, dont expect him to have Yoru from beginning, he probably got it during his journey to become WSS, just like Zoro keeps getting new swords
I don't think Mihawk has Yoru from the beginning either.

That sword he has a kid is probably his first sword, then he keeps gaining new swords and eventually acquiring Yoru.
How someone living in a solo lifestyle was able to acquire Yoru out of everyone is a big mystery.

And the weird part is no one seems to be afraid of his presence unlike Yonko and admirals despite his WSS status + $3.5bn bounty.

Maybe as the name implies, he is a vampire and his race were wiped out like the Lunarian and Oni who have crazy levels of strength and durability.
Mihawk being a vampire is a popular theory for a while now.