General & Others Why didn't the strawhats execute Lucci and Kaku

I mean if Luffy just Saw Lucchi and ran up and broke his neck One Piece would be a lot different and a lot better. I mean Luffy doesn't just go for the instant kill and people don't go for the instant kill on Luffy. One Piece would be over if Kizaru shot Luffy in the head instead of the key back in Marineford. And it makes sense to an extent. If your going for straight death blows you make you opponents fight harder. The game would be can I kill your nakama's before you can kill me.

If Akainu went straight for Shank's head when they collided He might have gotten cut straight now the middle. Akainu went straight for a deathblow against Whitebeard and basically got sent to the deaths of hell for it. If Luffy was a lot more ruthless than Marines would be a lot more attentive in killing him aswell. It's like real life where if you start using nukes or biological weapons you have to be ready for the retalition. It's not like Dragonball Z where the objective is just to beat one opponent. In One Piece it's a game of survival and everybody is trying to get to their next location. if you die you die but how you carry yourself on the battlefield while alive matters. Jenbe and stussy just explained early in the arc that you can't recklessly just do what you want.
Look back and you’ll find the answer; the Straw Hats don’t kill the people they fight (at least, Luffy doesn’t), they simply defeat them.

This may have changed with Kaido, but it can’t be said for certain that he died, because, well, Oda.

The Straw Hats aren’t like traditional pirates. This is the message that we’ve been getting throughout the series.