Those strong Devil Fruits allowed them to live long enough to become strong. There could have been many people with the potential to become top-tier but were killed during their rise because the basic fruit didn't give them much help.
They really aren't all that powerful in the grandscheme of things the yonko used them to the best of their abilities and made them powerful.
Big moms- long as you aren't scared of her she can't take your soul and the homies aren't exactly God tier
Black beard- sure the Yami is neat being able to absorb df powers and allow him to use them but we don't know the limit of that so far even after 2 years it seems the only one he's absorbed is the Quake Fruit and it doubles the amount of damage he takes its both a buff and a debuff
White beard- Quake Fruit is cool an all but outside of its destructive force it be useless in the hands of someone whose a midteir fighter
Kaido- is quiet literally just a fish and his full devilfruit form is his weakest form
The Admirals green bull may be truly the only broken one
Being able to regrow yourself and control plant life all around you is pretty op
The original three yeah powerful fruits but not exactly broken they can be defended against hell doffy broke out of Aokiji's ice seemingly using conquerors haki (granted Aokiji may not have frozen him all the way through) and Armament haki allows people to still hit them
Fujitora- gravity isn't all that op long as you aren't directly hit by it he can't pin you down its just a matter of avoiding it.
The most broken fruits are usually given to physically weak people with a few exceptions like Hancock
Crackers biscuit Fruit is kinda broken dude claps and makes and infinite amount of biscuits most people won't figure out that getting them wet will soften them up they'll be defeated by then. However crackers own lack of physical durability made it seem weak
Another example; sugars toy toy Fruit one touch and you are basically erased from history even if she forgets to give you orders like she did with kyros not much a toy can do but once again she's physically weak and easily spooked being just a child.
Another example of an op Fruit in weak hands is the poison poison Fruit Magellan has, yes Magellan is nothing without his one shot kill Fruit he can't take a hit pre-skip luffy had him on his knees coughing blood once he got protection from the poison and black beard pirates beat him so bad he got demoted after they got passed his fruit.
In most cases the fruit is what makes them this powerful tho. Even in the case of Kaido.
If for example Kizaru does not have CoC, he's up there primarily thanks to his DF.
Obviously it's not solely thanks to their fruits and they all got a lot of talent and such aswell, but I wouldn't be shocked if the difference inbetween guys like Katakuri and Kizaru or Greenbull mainly exists because their DFs are just much more powerful.
Yonkous don't really have broken DFs. Compared to people like Law or Boa or sugar or even the admirals. The class of devil fruits they have are strong and scale well. Luffy's df scales well and when awakened yes it is broken. Same with Blackbeard. His df which is actually an unawakened Zoan was thought to be the only Logia that doesn't let attacks break through. It's very powerful but Ace was able to face it with a fire logia. Whitebeards fruit is strong. But not broken. Big moms fruit is extremely versatile not broken. Kaidou fruit also not broken. He has a Mythical Zoan but it's powers are only dragon breath and levitation.
They don't even have had 1 hit attacks like law or crocodile. Even moria can teleport and knock out anybody by cutting off their shadow.
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