General & Others Why is that Admiral fans nearly all the times side with Mihawk and Schichibukai in debates?

Put it in google translate and it says he fought them as an equal.

You are confusing character statements with the author. Buggy was hiding in east blue. What did he know of WB's condition? WB even asks Sengoku how long has it been. So what did he know about his condition? What did Kong?

WB was introduced as WSM with his medical tools attached. In this condition he could split the sky with Shanks. He could avoid over 100 attempts on his life by Ace in his sleep. At MF he could barely dodge attacks while awake. There is a clear difference. Hell we just saw with Luffy and Kata what a difference something like advanced CoO brings.

Now with a straight face are you going to say they are the exact same? When numerous characters commented on his health? no troll answers. I want to see if you can honestly admit that there is a difference.
google translate also says shanks was once as strong as mihawk
note was
again I doubt kong, buggy , sengoku , garp are wrong and you are right here. you act as if the wb that clashed with shanks is very different from the one in marineford.
Oda went out of his way to make 4 people state he was the strongest pirate by the time we got to marineford. am sorry but I will trust that over a fans take . also yes marco fought equally to the admiral in marineford. different from marco is as strong as an admiral. Thanks again for the info sera
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I think because over there the Kaido trolling is far more severe. They even call him Kaido of the 100 hostages.
on nf kaido trolling is more severe
wow I need to be more active there.
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also @Seraphoenix
I can have a native speaker translate the japanese raws
rather than rely on google translate
google translate also says shanks was once as strong as mihawk
note was
again I doubt kong, buggy , sengoku , garp are wrong and you are right here. you act as if the wb that clashed with shanks is very different from the one in marineford.
Oda went out of his way to make 4 people state he was the strongest pirate by the time we got to marineford. am sorry but I will trust that over a fans take . also yes marco fought equally to the admiral in marineford. different from marco is as strong as an admiral. Thanks again for the info sera
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on nf kaido trolling is more severe
wow I need to be more active there.
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also @Seraphoenix
I can have a native speaker translate the japanese raws
rather than rely on google translate
I thought you were one of the sincere ones rip
You mean of that databook enty? that would be great.

Can you also ask about the japanese fans consensus on Shanks vs Mihawk and Admirals vs Yonko? They should have message boards like us.
The person I ask may be biased to either yonkos or admirals. will have to ask multiple folks to get some kind of ideal consensus.
but for the databook info/translation, it should be clear as day.
uh you started out great but your conclusion is off base
may I remind you that when luffy said he wanted to be pk coby responded by saying he will be an admiral and luffy admitted, he has to get to that point to take him on in the near future. using kid a pirate who obviously doesnt have a marine position in mind is awfully bad.
No pirate wants to be a naval admiral and no marine wants to be a yonko. Also important to mention, kid's goal is to be the pk
not a yonko. another flaw in your argument.

According to the manga old wb was still considered the strongest pirate in the sea by buggy, by kong and sengoku. you can choose to refute that as yonko fans do but I'll be glad to supply the panels.

"Akainu couldn't score on WB without being seriously injured himself. You might want to think that Akainu is tough enough to take him on man to man and that's not a poor argument... but I don't think he'd talk Squard into literally backstabbing the guy if he was entirely confident himself."
akainu is strong enough to take him one on one

whether it was their df's matching each other in output
not sure you want to argue squardo's stab made his punches weaker

a comparison of the damage that they both dealt
point being akainu looked pretty healthy at the end of the war. after his clash with wb he went on to handle jimbei, ivankov
by the time the clash was over , wb was pretty much a living vegetable.

another scene of the remnant of wb pirates in an attempt to stop akainu but he succeeded in hurting luffy
this remnant btw was roughly enough to promote BB to the new yonko position.
and last but not least

I would argue bb with the gura gura nomi and the darkness fruit is a lot more afraid of akainu
than shanks and his entire crew.

oh on sengoku and luffy
visit bigmom chopper. that was great as well lmao.
Um... why would I bring up Marine aspirations? Coby says he wants to be an admiral, what does Luffy say? "Nah go for PK too." I was talking about pirate aspirations because their goals both involve fighting the Marines, but they don't mention beating the admirals outside of conversations where people are already talking about the Marines.

If you supply panels, please go find me the panels of Marco recalling that WB isn't as sharp, or Crocodile's disappointment in his current state, so that I don't have to waste more of my time. I mean, you're implying that stabs through the body wouldn't make one's punches weaker. ROFL. If I have to explain junior high anatomy along the way then it's not worth it to me.
Um... why would I bring up Marine aspirations? Coby says he wants to be an admiral, what does Luffy say? "Nah go for PK too." I was talking about pirate aspirations because their goals both involve fighting the Marines, but they don't mention beating the admirals outside of conversations where people are already talking about the Marines.

If you supply panels, please go find me the panels of Marco recalling that WB isn't as sharp, or Crocodile's disappointment in his current state, so that I don't have to waste more of my time. I mean, you're implying that stabs through the body wouldn't make one's punches weaker. ROFL. If I have to explain junior high anatomy along the way then it's not worth it to me.
Facts being the marines rule the sea according to doffy
for luffy to be pk which means freedom
he has to surpass the naval admirals and yonkos
its simply because the other pirates dont know what it takes to be the pk and thats why they never will. taken from someone who does, wb, it does involve challenging the WG and the marines. wont take more of your time, agree to disagree here, and anatomy doesnt explain how a stab in the chest makes wb earthquakes weaker. but ok.
an expert in anatomy would also understand why akainy ripping his chest out and having his brain matter leaking is prob why he died.

Um... why would I bring up Marine aspirations? Coby says he wants to be an admiral, what does Luffy say? "Nah go for PK too." I was talking about pirate aspirations because their goals both involve fighting the Marines, but they don't mention beating the admirals outside of conversations where people are already talking about the Marines.

If you supply panels, please go find me the panels of Marco recalling that WB isn't as sharp, or Crocodile's disappointment in his current state, so that I don't have to waste more of my time. I mean, you're implying that stabs through the body wouldn't make one's punches weaker. ROFL. If I have to explain junior high anatomy along the way then it's not worth it to me.
not as strong as before. pls reread.
doesnt mean not still the strongest
he clashed with shanks equally
since yall are hunged up on clashes, he was at least that strong. here's the author on how strong old wb is

have a good one
Because Yonko fandom thinks that Yonko are gods and are overwanked, so they share the same target

Yonko are gods so they are >admirals by default though nothing in manga suggests a superiority

Yonko are gods so Mihawk can't be on their level, though in the manga Mihawk is stronger than at least one Yonko
Well, hate to be that guy but yonko>admirals


Peerless In History
This ain't it chief. We know from Luffy that his idea of PK is having the most freedom on the sea. Who restricts your power on the sea? The marines and the Yonko. So you have to be able to beat both to be PK.

This doesn't mean they are equal though. All it means is both Luffy and Chinjao didn't have the strength to beat the admirals at that stage (Though Fuji did say Luffy was close to him:goyea:) How do I know this? For Yonko BM the only obstacle to complete freedom or PK is other Yonko.

It's like irl if you wanted complete freedom at sea you would have to be able to dominate both the USA (Shanks for instance) at sea and Papua New Guinea (Akainu for instance). This does not mean they are equal though. If you were China (Kaido for instance) then you are not worried about Papua New Guinea(and other admiral level nations) but other strong powers like India (BM), USA etc
Admiral "Papua New Guniea" Sakazuki
:gokulaugh::suresure::milaugh: JFC this is the biggest low key roast ever.
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Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
The irony of Admiral fans accusing Yonko fans of being biased while screeching that Kizaru could have beat Kaido and Big Mom at the same time is amusing.

Maybe things were different in the past, but for the last two weeks I’ve definitely seen more Yonko downplay.
That statement is taken out of context and misconstrued to match Yonko fans taking statements about the Yonko out of context and misconstrued :smithnie:
The Sword and Admiral Alliance already doomed after Jo_Ndule and Rosella ally themselves to form a new "Rocks" lol:gokulaugh:Now we just need to wait for the Leg and Yonko Alliance to be officially created by me and we're good to go :yodaswag:
The Sword and Admiral Alliance already doomed after Jo_Ndule and Rosella ally themselves to form a new "Rocks" lol:gokulaugh:Now we just need to wait for the Leg and Yonko Alliance to be officially created by me and we're good to go :yodaswag:
then they should soon declare themselves either MIA or join the TEACH/Jesus Luffy faction. dunno about other factions but Canonically this alliance is going down 1st in the manga:kayneshrug:
they basically took shelter in a sinking boat:suresure: