Controversial Why is the Spoiler Section the most Toxic and Negative section of this site?

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Powerscaling and Agendas fuel this forum. It's just more honest about it than most forums.

Notice how the Spoiler Thread is always full of a lot of comments? But the Chapter Discussion threads are always empty?

That's because people here generally care more about their fanfiction and agendas for the series rather than reality.

Spoilers that tease people give them the chance to fantasize about One Piece being what they want it to be. Honest spoilers destroy their hopes.

So the leakers twist the spoilers to make the fanbase argue, so they can get more clout from people spreading their name.

You are not wrong. The Spoiler section is the most toxic section of the site. Any legit discussion is destroyed by people trying to push shitty agendas to get crappy clout.

It's fine to verbally abuse people with toxic trash posts on WorstGen... as long as it doesn't offend the mods. If it makes users suicidal? Part and parcel of WorstGen, sadly. If it makes users leave the site, and gives them mental illness they were "tOo WeaK to HanDle worstgen". But if it offends the mods, ban.

One of the nicest people on this site killed themselves because of ungrateful haters on here; one of the KINDEST people I've ever met on this site has been pushed away how many times, because people are allowed to say whatever THE FUCK THEY WANT TO THEM until they snap; and then, WOW, it's the person who got harassed how many times, that got banned, for fighting back? Ooooh, are mods the teachers attacking the victim kid for fighting the shithead stealing their lunchbox?

High school forum that treats cartoon boobs like Nuclear Missiles and treats death threats like starving kittens.

This site isn't dying because One Piece is bad. It's dying because the shittiest assholes always get a pass, and the people who joke around/post lewds/call the BULLSHIT out are the ones who get attacked.

Want a good site population?


Fucking Rootbeer is still here and you want to tell me GOAT is worse than him? Lol. GOAT posting adult cartoon boobs is worse than Rootbeer wishing cartoon children were real so they could abuse them?

You don't have eyes and brains if you want to tell me GOAT did worse shit than Rootbeer on this site.

Yeah, I'm fucking pissed. Banning Ghostly how many times for defending himself, why don't you permaban the dude that openly wants to bang 12-year-old Bonney?

Stop the chucklefuck circus clown-clap-happy chicanery. Absolute bullshit.

AL sama

Red Haired
Powerscaling and Agendas fuel this forum. It's just more honest about it than most forums.

Notice how the Spoiler Thread is always full of a lot of comments? But the Chapter Discussion threads are always empty?

That's because people here generally care more about their fanfiction and agendas for the series rather than reality.

Spoilers that tease people give them the chance to fantasize about One Piece being what they want it to be. Honest spoilers destroy their hopes.

So the leakers twist the spoilers to make the fanbase argue, so they can get more clout from people spreading their name.

You are not wrong. The Spoiler section is the most toxic section of the site. Any legit discussion is destroyed by people trying to push shitty agendas to get crappy clout.

It's fine to verbally abuse people with toxic trash posts on WorstGen... as long as it doesn't offend the mods. If it makes users suicidal? Part and parcel of WorstGen, sadly. If it makes users leave the site, and gives them mental illness they were "tOo WeaK to HanDle worstgen". But if it offends the mods, ban.

One of the nicest people on this site killed themselves because of ungrateful haters on here; one of the KINDEST people I've ever met on this site has been pushed away how many times, because people are allowed to say whatever THE FUCK THEY WANT TO THEM until they snap; and then, WOW, it's the person who got harassed how many times, that got banned, for fighting back? Ooooh, are mods the teachers attacking the victim kid for fighting the shithead stealing their lunchbox?

High school forum that treats cartoon boobs like Nuclear Missiles and treats death threats like starving kittens.

This site isn't dying because One Piece is bad. It's dying because the shittiest assholes always get a pass, and the people who joke around/post lewds/call the BULLSHIT out are the ones who get attacked.

Want a good site population?


Fucking Rootbeer is still here and you want to tell me GOAT is worse than him? Lol. GOAT posting adult cartoon boobs is worse than Rootbeer wishing cartoon children were real so they could abuse them?

You don't have eyes and brains if you want to tell me GOAT did worse shit than Rootbeer on this site.

Yeah, I'm fucking pissed. Banning Ghostly how many times for defending himself, why don't you permaban the dude that openly wants to bang 12-year-old Bonney?

Stop the chucklefuck circus clown-clap-happy chicanery. Absolute bullshit.
are you drunk or something??
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anyone who gets banned has a pretty good reason to get b
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Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Oh no.

For the record I didn't influence CoC's post lol...

Thank you though for caring though about me @CoC: Color of Clowns , although I don't want to spark any debates on what happened on here with myself and certain others, don't want to dredge up old wounds and stir new dramas, we've had PLENTY enough of that in the past and I've caused too much myself in the past too.

I just want things to try to and be more chill, "normal" and fun here again like in the best days on here, the "good old days". Although thats also harder given a lot of users are leaving or going inactive too and also the state of the story and the world as well and all thats happened here and outside of here too but all the more reason to try to have some faith and optimism somehow, right? Somehow?


But I feel you in some of the things you said there, just some of the things, but I'm not gonna respond to certain topics you mentioned there including myself for reasons I said just above ofc.

Thank you though.

This is uh, awkward lol. I genuinely don't know what to say here except believe it or not, this wasn't spurred/influenced by myself at all lol. Surprisingly! Not trying to throw CoC under the bus here ofc but I just don't want to get dragged into potential drama here and get involved in more dramas on here in general if I can. I really want to put those days behind me if I can.

I've even made up with a certain someone on here again and we're back to being on good terms again thankfully, it took a long time but he's being very chill, mature, respectful and humble about it, non judgemental, not bitter unlike some other people I've known off site/not on here and I appreciate it a lot. So our (not so) civil war is over definitely for good this time hopefully, permanently as it should have been.


Me right now lol (this thread I mean):

@CoC: Color of Clowns the people that insult you personally because you made fun of their self-insert children's drawing (including some bozo saying making fun of a character justifies that, lmao) is a regular here sadly.
I got tired of reporting at some point as they just get their post edit anyway I rather ignore the bozos

But if you have legit grievances with the moderation maybe try to reach them privately, its not like they are bad people or anything
Hmmm for sure calling others mentals, brain-dead, saying users here are illiterates and suffer from ADHD is really a sign of maturity. Let me break it for you, you are actually one of those :gokulaugh:
Mf talks about toxicity and talks shit to other users like that. Now users have ADHS, illiteracy and low education. Um, being a high school graduate isn't low education. Not everyone has to finish college, having a BoS degree to be educated, lol. This guy just pulls things outta his ass.
Classic Redditor behavior. :suresure:

Edit: Bozo got perma banned? See, that's how quickly it works with nutjobs lol.

Absolutely the definition of hypocrisy and projection yeah! There's no way they could have had real CP that easily ofc, they must be in some FUCKED up circles to get it.
I remember memology101 exposing twitter years ago for people distributing CP on there using links disguised as random codes.
Yep, and even if that hacker borrowed CP from another sickfuck, he's still fucked anyway.
Twitter is really one of the worst social media platforms because there are no rules or guidelines which make people behave. They can write whatever they like which goes as far as harrassing other users - and mostly content creators - for the least significant things.

I'm praying karma is real truly as I have little faith in justice anymore IRL but I hope these completely irredeemable scum of the earth get what's coming to them from the legal system or more likely vigilantes and potentially fellow scum ironically.
Well, Chibi has some sort of influence, so I think justice definitely gets served in this case.
As I said before, these low iq morons admitted everything what they did and there is crystal clear evidence to it. Even that stupid hacker admitted doxxing and hacking Chibi Reviews. I have little sympathy to people harrassing others and they even went far beyond that. And with harrassment, I mean constant death threats, saying they would stomp on his corpse and spit on it, etc. Vile shit like that.

Jfc....this is why I hated the xenoblade fanbase with 2 onwards. When they "cutified" it and went with the more typical and way more popular these days more Moe, colourful, saccharine style, I cringed so hard. I normally like colourful, cuter games depending but all that fanservice and weeb shit like collecting girls as weapons apparently made me cringe inside out.
The music really slapped in it though ofc.

4chan is usually where I see the worst of humanity online, well some of it ofc, they've done some of the most fucked up stuff to people and sometimes to the "wrong target" too I think.
Same with Kiwifarms.

They have done some pretty good things too IIRC, like they can be chaotic neutral at best I guess but it's still a complete cesspool, shithole ofc.
That complete anonymity naturally brings out the worst in people on there freely.
I like XBC2 due to the amazing world building, combat system and especially the story. It gave me huge pre ts One Piece vibes with the cloud ocean, the island sized creatures. It really gave you the feeling you're exploring a mysterious fantasy world. I played this game back in 2017 and I was more tolerant to weeb shit but nowadays, I also find the huge anime weeb content annoying after replaying it - with characters whose breast size is larger than mfcking watermelons and then there is Poppi... But does it destroy the story which I was enjoying? Nah. To this day, XBC2 is one of the best JRPG games I've ever played, if not the best due to the plottwists, especially near the end.

I'm glad XBC3 toned down the anime weeb content and it's so much more bearable. But apparently to the 4chan lolicons, it was a desaster and apparently, it is a game only for cucks and "normies". So yeah, I wouldn't be so disgusted if they weren't the majority in 4chan.
So 4chan is also known for doing horrendous stuff to people? They're really scum, unbelievable. I'm glad I didn't set foot to that site ever again after reading through the "reviews".

And people don't understand why I ask for a less toxic One Piece fanbase ?
Dude, Twitter fanbase is way more toxic than WG one. You have no idea tbh.

We just had 2-3 users at best who were radically toxic and threatened other users over the most pity things. Death threats, threatening to harm somebody, etc. And guess what? They all got perma banned.

Meanwhile, you have thousands of these lunatics in Twitter. 16k people actually celebrated how Chibi's brother killed himself. They are disgusting vile pieces of shits.

WG can be toxic, yes but it never goes beyond that what happens in Twitter and the mods are strict when someone goes too far, Bob for example.
As I'm writing this post rn, another content creator named Geo gets death threats from another fandom, the DB fandom. Dude, is this the mfcking norm in Twitter? People can just harrass others without consequences? Wtf is Elon doing???
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