General & Others Why Is Whole Cake Island So Hated?

My newest complaint about WCI is that half the Strawhats weren't there for it.

At the time I assumed it was because they were doing something important on Wano. They really weren't though. Zoro cutting up the magistrate was the only thing that happened and that hasn't really effected the plot.

Just a poor way to balance out the swirlyhats missing most of Dressrosa. "If we brought the full crew it would mean all-out war" is a nonsense excuse, it would still be a handful of people against an Empire.
Ah yes, the SH separation. Another great idea from Oda.:risitavirus:
since the start of the NW we dont have the excitement anymore before we had an unknown adventure with very difficult tasks to accomplish

But right after ts we have had over Fishman arc and Punk Hazard which were childs game for the crew just running from point a to point b no real danger no real challenge just a main character that is unbeatable boooring we had this going on from 597-700 =103 chapters means nearly 3 years lost time boring and unbearable

everyone got a focus everyone got a backstory while he skips fight he focuses on running away we dont care if they run just cut the running and show some action OP has so many crazy abilities but we are shown always running and running its like youre an magican and dont do magic but run instead

this is still a manga not some adult backstory fiction a manga with fighting components I dont want fights all the time but especially in dressrosa you wait freaking 80 chapters for a thrill or real action and then get a skipping

in dressrosa you litterally had 80 chapters talking and running it was an bad execution even after freaking 80 chapters he skipped Doffy vs Luffy and showed us 3 chapters long Rebeccas backstory means a month lost a freaking months

If you start to skip main fights and focus on fodders then your level become to that a fodder

Now for WCI there was really no danger in WCI
Katakuri vs Luffy was skipped and one sided beating up boring
Big Mom is just dumb
The crew got stopped by just 2 forces they lost all respect they had in the community

We all know that Luffy is going to be the pirate king the question is not that he becomes one but how he becomes pirate king the harder he works for it the more thrilled one becomes but right now there is no "vibe"
You didnt fear that the crew could get wiped out or you didnt fear Big Mom who was just a psycho

The only things that were good were the naval battle the strawhats had to endure that was the best in all of OP and introduction of advanced haki and Snakeman

The execution of the arc was bad its the same for wano now
Now after so many chapters talking Luffy had a decent fight against two flying six

If Oda wants to increase the sale he could just look at youtube what op videos got the most views
Rebeccas side story or Sanji vs P1
Sanji didn't get his big payoff of showing emotions or being a chef is needed because Judge didn't see Sanji masterclass cake that stopped Linlin in her tracks. I didn't like the reason Oda gave out on why Sanji refuse to hit women. I expected something more dire such as Judge was a wife beater and Sanji vow to never be like his father. It made Sanji refusing to fight Kalfia even stupider and Zeff a sexist pig on corrupting Sanji mind. It express the downward spiral of Oda writing or given light to it that Oda is plausibly slipping due to not having a good competitor to keep his creative mind strong.
The way Oda treated the Big Mom pirates and made them incompetent for the sake of the strawhats to escape is truly baffling. Such as Eggplant soilder being so careless by sleeping in Sanji bed when he should had reported that Sanji is missing from the get go...
Opera being an idiot and not telling Lufy/Nami escape. Oda apparently forgot Mon D Or was suspicious of Opera but he didn't check the cell..
Jinbei always coming at the right time to save the strawhats..
So yeah, not my favorite arc when it also has to do with one of my least favorite strawhat too.
why must it be "hate"? disliking something is not hate.

redundant plot that lead nowhere.
participation trophy fights.
plot convenience overload.
horrible 2nd flashback.

it was unnecessarily drawn out just so Luffy could have a fight. if the SHs fled during the castle collapse the story would have been way better.
the decision making process of characters was also very questionable. I dislike it when I can not relate to the behavior of characters.
The second flashback meaning the one where Big Mom ate those kids?
I don't see why personally...

I guess people just wanted to get into Wano from Zou?

I guess people wanted more fights? Probably thought that Sanji would get a cool fight?

I think its a great arc by itself. It has a different feel, and is incredibly organically connected and implemented into the story, having wide range implications, while also having some of the best character moments for key members of the crew that really hadn't been given a time to shine. Not to mention the crew drama was nice.
WCI is like 2/10 arc.
The only thing I liked was Bege badass as hell and Jinbei too.

WCI was only surpassed by Wano as worst arc ever. YT and Twitter community a bunch of bots.

WCI sucks because Luffy was being portrayed as Admiral level back at Dressrosa. Of course not in base like he fought Fujitora but everyone believed he had a chance with his overpowered G4 Boundman.

Then WCI comes in and he needs Nami help to beat a mere commander of BM. Not only that but Cracker defeat was incredibly underwhelming and plot armor kicked in hard. Tankman is the most absurd thing.

Not only for Luffy but we also though we would finally have an all out fight from Sanii since he didn't fought serious to the end since timeskip. He has a good portray over his family. It seems he is stronger than all. But once again he doesn't have that kind of fight and he seems to be same level as BM non commanders sons.

Then we have Luffy clashing BM which we expected him to be at least near Yonko Level but he basically gets one shotted. Terrible.

And finally Luffy vs Katakuri which was hyping for the posture Luffy was taking. He finally seemed like a good leader. But too much plot armor kicked in. Katakuri having stronger armament haki that Luffy ever faced and being untouchable made Luffy had his most difficult fight. But for some reason all those strong attacks from Katakuri that was hurting Luffy couldn't knock him out for good.

Then Luffy learns a bit of FS and shows Katakuri how quick learn he is. But when the fight is at finale he doesn't use it at all. Not only that but Snakeman is his worst form. Is weaker than Boundman since Katakuri still has greater armament than him. Can't overspeed Katakuri which was the premise of this transformation. And has the most boring fighting style consistent in stay in place and moving your arm.

Then Luffy after receiving thousands punches falls just like Katakuri after receiving 10 punchs. And although Katakuri got up first than Luffy somehow Luffy thinks he won since Katakuri didn't wanted to fight anymore.

Terrible end. Katakuri was clearly the winner. Oda should have done Luffy really surpassing Katakuring. Words are never more important than actions.
Eh. Every time I think of problems, a few legit complaints come about (Sanji leaving Germa behind is a good one) and a few are just too big to ignore, like all the time wasted on making a nothing burger.

But I see a lot of shit like power scaling and that has more to do with the reader than the writing.
I've noticed that a lot of individuals on this forums hate Whole Cake Island. In the YouTube and Twitter communities of One Piece, Whole Cake Island is regarded as one of the best in the series. For me personally, it isn't even top 10 in One Piece, and I have a ton of issues with the arc.

Simultaneously, the arc has some dope highs that balances it out to a 5/10, average arc for me but definitely below Oda's average.

I made this thread to ask the people who love or hate Whole Cake Island as an arc, what are your thoughts on it?

What did you think of Luffy vs Katakuri? What did you think of Sanji's character in the arc? Was the ending satisfactory? Was Big Mom entertaining as an antagonist? Did you enjoy Luffy vs Sanji?

What would you rate the Whole Cake Island arc out of 10 and how does it fare against Water 7, Enies Lobby, Skypiea, Alabasta, Marineford and Dressrosa?
mostly hated by sanji fans who dont understand sanjis character and want him to be zoro
-Lolda introduced a large set of characters with very good designs and a interesting theme,and we expected them to become a legendary team of villains,only for them become a bunch of harmless nutjobs that fell in irrelevancy in no time.
-He also introduced a whole family of scumbags that have no redeeming qualities,only to never give them what they fucking deserve.
Who like that arc are Lolda's dick-swallowers.
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