Current Events Why Luffy got the same bounty as Kid and Law?


It still doesn't make sense.
Even if the GM sees them as equal threats individually, Luffy's influence (allies, territories, fleet and crew) should put him on a higher reward pedestal.
Buggy himself must have a high bounty due to his influence, because Luffy's influence doesn't play a role in his bounty?
i guess influence means a lot less than we thought when it comes to bounty
I guess WG sees them equally threatning..
If you look it from outside..
They all have strong df , they all defeat Yanko..
Unlike readers Oda and WG dont give damn about who is 20 and who is 19..
let's just accept it oda did a bad job at portraying kidd and law rivalry how can they be rivals if luffy defeats the stronger opponent in a one v one while his supposed rival barely defeat a weaker opponent in a 2v1. I personal won't have cared if oda made kidd a worthwhile rival but kidd is the last person to be qualified as a rival even buggy fits more as luffys rival
@Chaves It’s as a lot of people are saying, it’s to suppress his importance as much as possible. The 3 of them defeated 2 emperors so you can’t have their bounties too low so the best thing to do is to have all 3 of them with the same bounty (so Luffy doesn’t stick out in any way.
Another thing, the WG controls the bounties not the assignment of Yonko titles, which seems to be done by the media and popular consensus (Morgan’s is the king maker). I’m sure they were just as surprised as Luffy being named emperor as the rest of the world. It blatantly goes against what they were trying to do.
I believe that’s why Oda did the bounties like that, to show that the government tried and failed to cover up Luffys importance; or else why have the 5 elders try to stop the press.
(Another smaller reason for the bounties being that way is the 9bil>8.99bil and also Luffy seems like he’s gonna get 5.6bil as his last bounty).