Questions & Mysteries Why people don't want Linlin to returna as villain in Elbaf

I want Linlin to returna as main villain in elbaf

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I don't care If She gets defeated by law and eustass, She still top 4 in the world. You would rather Have another hody Jones trash or ceasar as main villain that luffy can 1 without even using advanced coc If he doesn't play stupid

Like giants from elbaf are already known to be 1 shot fodders to strong guys. Loki You can bet is trash and nothing close to yonkou
Because Oda had butchered her character, her charisma, and even her powersets imo. It's very very hard to redeem someone who's been reduced into nutcase of Wedding Cake, flip-flopped by Robin, bike-crashed by Franky, etc when she's supposed to be an untouchable Sorcerer Queen of Souls who can kill from miles away, capable of taking away anyone's souls with real consequences (taking souls = taking away memories? Taking souls = taking five senses one by one? Taking souls = taking intelligence? Taking souls = absorbing armament haki?) So many potential WASTED already so i guess i choose other chars as villains.