Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

Again, it’s a manga. Characters are what the author want them to be. Claiming it’s stupid and illogical to say Sanji has CoC if Usopp has it because characters are supposed to be born with it makes no sense. If Oda wants Usopp or Sanji to have it, it means they were born with it, that’s it.

Your point about Doflamingo is irrelevant. He became a pirate, period. It makes no sense to counterargue with an alternate, non existent scenario.
this is all about currently non existent scenarios, so i wouldnt exactly say its irrelevant lmfao.

It is illogical, period.
"If Oda wants Usopp or Sanji to have it, it means they were born with it, that’s it."
this is all about currently non existent scenarios, so i wouldnt exactly say its irrelevant lmfao.

It is illogical, period.
"If Oda wants Usopp or Sanji to have it, it means they were born with it, that’s it."
You’re comparing something that is still possible (Sanji/Usopp having CoC) to an alternate story in which Doflamingo is still a Celestial Dragon and has never been a pirate. It does not make any sense at all but whatever, you’re entitled to your opinion.

It’s illogical that an author decides what his characters can do/be/have ? Ok. Again, you’re entitled to your opinion.

What have my thread turned into?:crazwhat:Oh and thanks for all the awesome feedbacks btw.:cheers:
This is a great defense, Goat...I fundamentally disagree with the possibility of Sanji unlocking CoC, but I’ve also never really been all the way certain that Zoro will do so either, and I think Luffy will remain the only Straw Hat who has it. I’d be fine if I’m proven wrong on either or both, though :kayneshrug:
Yes, either Luffy will be the only SH that has CoC or Zoro, Sanji and Usopp will also have it EOS. It's all depends on Oda to be honest.
This is sorta impossible to deny now, considering Luffy and Zoro are on the roof and Sanji isn't.
1. Sanji isn't a Supernova. If he was then he would have been in the roof already.
2. It doesn't have anything to do with portrayal. By that logic then I guess Zoro, Killer, Law and Kidd are stronger than Marco, King, and Queen then.
You should have instead made a thread Wanting Sanji to be like Luffy/Zoro is stupid and pathetic.

As for your points...
Part 1: "Sanji doesn't have Ryou or CoC"
That is correct, he doesnt have either. It is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Part 2: "Sanji doesn't have the same portrayal/dynamic as Luffy and Zoro hence why he's not in the Monster Trio anymore + Jinbei replaced Sanji as a new M3 member."
That is also true. Sanji's portrayal was always different compared to Zoro's/Luffy's.
He was 3rd strongest crew member while there were no other stronger members in the crew.
There is no reason to give him benefit of the doubt above an ex-Warlord with amazing feats.
If the manga shows him above Jinbe, he will be back to 3rd strongest but so far it doesnt look good.

Part 3: "Sanji only cares about women and he isn't a good leader."
Is it surprising that he cares only about women considering that he was deprived of their presence for 2 years?
He isnt a good leader, he was shown to be cracking under pressure several times and lashing out at crew members.
Making actions based on feelings instead of putting the feelings aside and thinking it through.
Calling him a leader because he led Nami, Chopper and Brook is making him look even more pathetic.
This thread is about where Sanji should be, not Sanji wanting or acting like Luffy or Zoro. Sanji is his own character, no need to compared Sanji to other characters.

1. How does Sanji doesn't have Ryou or CoC? Ryou is Haki, Sanji clearly has it. CoC on the other hand is still a mystery but I'm pretty sure that Sanji has it.

2. Sanji is clearly on the same level as Luffy and Zoro. He's in the Monster Trio for god sake. Sanji was always the third strongest in the crew. Damn, Moria and Buggy is stronger than Sanji now?:josad:I bet current Sanji can even take down Doffy let alone the others.:endthis:He is above Jinbei lol. Base Jinbei = Base Sanji. Near water Jinbei = DJ Sanji. RS Sanji > Jinbei.

I mean, if you get stuck in a tranny island for 2 years then you must have miss a women too. Sanji is doing fine as a leader. Sanji was trying to save his whole crew from danger and he succeeded. Yeah right, cuz Zoro never leads anyone in his life since his direction is so bad that he can't even walk straight.:gokulaugh:
Until sanji blocks against a top tier or defeats someone noteworthy, there is no way I am putting him above a warlord
I didn't know that you skipped WCI.:josad:

He defeats Yonji who toys with Daifuku like it was nothing.

And he also defeats Page One who is the candidate for Calamity spot.
"Sanji dosent have Ryou or CoC"

the argument on Sanji defense: "Sanji has it because some weird smoke comming out of his body, and he also has conqueror's haki

Lets not talk about how stupid the whole jinbei argument is, because if small stupid stuff like that meant anything, then by all means i can play this game too.

Here how fodder dosent even aknowledge Sanji's presence. And again you try to push this stupid narrative of Sanji having conquerors haki? Gods...

As for the woman argument, i will say it again.....If Pudding was actualy a good girl and ate the bento he made for her, Luffy would have been killed while STARVING, he almost broke his vow to not let people starve because of the people int he barratie and because he was marring a cute girl, but for his captain and crew he will never break his vow of hitting women.

edit= Also, lets not forget how fucking stupid his whole decision of doing what his family wanted him to do to save the barratie was....After wenting through the whole ennies lobby thing you would think Sanji was smarter, but i guess not...Plus, if he wasnt a complete morron he would realize his actual crew could wipe the floor with dad and brothers pretty damn easily.
You actually comparing a dust cloud to the smoke that coming out from your body?:josad:

Fodders doesn't recognize Sanji's presence but then later on Black Maria's henchmen call Sanji a big shot.

But Sanji was smart by going around and finding out Pudding's true personality right?:myman:

Usopp's situation and Robin's situation are not similar to Sanji's situation. Sanji got kept hostage and was forced to do what Germa and Big Mom Pirates said. And Sanji was a moron because he's actually going up against a Yonko? Gotcha.:myman:
By this point Sanji needs to beat a top tier solo to get CoC
There are plenty of top tiers that Sanji can fight in the future so don't worry.
Black lightning isn’t CoC
Yes, as I said before. The black lightning effect is not always CoC. Usually someone would point out if someone is using CoC but it's not the case here.
About COC part, i agree Sanji and zoro have the possibilty of having CoC. About the Ryou part, Ryou is basically the same thing as Armament, or did you mean Advanced Ryou? If yes, then it's really unlikely for Sanji having adv Ryou, story wise it's impossible for some reasons:
1. Oda told us Sanji specialized in Observation, so having adv ryou out of nowhere is not possible
2. Sanji only cooks, with Luffy and Zoro fight someone stronger than Sanji's Opponents, Growth Wise Sanji is getting far behind Luffy and Zoro as time goes, not to mention Zoro always trains relentlessly to catches up to luffy, on the other hand what has sanji done? he only cooks, so if Pre Wano luffy who had fought several yonko commanders level didnt know Adv ryou yet, Wano Sanji too logically dont know Adv ryou yet. On the other hand, Zoro is still possible of having adv ryou since Oda told us he specialized in Armament

and the monster trio part, logically Sanji is the 4th strongest now after luffy, zoro, and jinbe. Jinbe is definitely a YC level based off feats and portrayal, and zoro is stronger than Jinbe acording to databooks. Databook vivrecard volume 1 tells us that zoro is the second strongest after luffy, and as you know Databook vivrecard vol 1 came out during the beginning of Wano arc. And according to databook vivrecard vol 4, Jinbe officially joined the strawhats in WCI, meaning, according to databook vivrecard vol 1 and 4, Wano zoro is stronger than Wano Jinbei. Ofc Sanji has raid suit which could possibly put him stronger than Jinbe, but he's lacking of feats, so until Sanji performs some incredible feats, the ranking of strawhats currently is :
Luffy > Zoro > Jinbe > Sanji > others
Yes, Zoro and Sanji will unlock CoC in the future. Ryou is Haki in Wano. Just like how people in Skypiea refers Observation Haki as Mantra. Even if Sanji doesn't have Advanced Armament, his DJ is still one of his best fighting aspect and right now we're never have much details on Diable Jambe and where does it come from. People say that DJ is Haki but I doubt it.

Sanji cooks because that's his passion but that doesn't allow him to not be on the same level of Luffy and Zoro who trains all day. This is Shonen that we're talking about. Anything is possible. Why would Sanji be weaker than Jinbei? It doesn't make any sense. The Monster Trio refers to the top three strongest fighters of the Strawhats crew. Even if Yamato or Carrot or Akainu or Kaido join the Strawhats crew, that doesn't mean that they're stronger than Sanji. Jinbei is definitely YC level for sure and so is Sanji.

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
@Zoro D Goat

I understand you proved my point wrong. But if we're being honest, that was a technicality. I will give you that one, that Sanji blocked Big Mom, but how much of that was him, and how much was that of Luffy.

Sanji won't shine ever on his own if he is carried by everyone else. He may get CoC, but as of right now I just don't see it.

And Page One was not a candidate for Calamity spot. WsW and Sasaki are. Also he kind of did not beat Page One. I'll call anything out only when its not legit.

He hasn't proved himself yet. That's that.
good thread
I disagree with sanji getting ryuo in this arc though thats more zoros expertise
sanji will probably get advanced observation
I can totally see this.
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@Zoro D Goat

I understand you proved my point wrong. But if we're being honest, that was a technicality. I will give you that one, that Sanji blocked Big Mom, but how much of that was him, and how much was that of Luffy.

Sanji won't shine ever on his own if he is carried by everyone else. He may get CoC, but as of right now I just don't see it.

And Page One was not a candidate for Calamity spot. WsW and Sasaki are. Also he kind of did not beat Page One. I'll call anything out only when its not legit.

He hasn't proved himself yet. That's that.
Alright fair enough.

What have my thread turned into?:crazwhat:Oh and thanks for all the awesome feedbacks btw.:cheers:

Yes, either Luffy will be the only SH that has CoC or Zoro, Sanji and Usopp will also have it EOS. It's all depends on Oda to be honest.

1. Sanji isn't a Supernova. If he was then he would have been in the roof already.
2. It doesn't have anything to do with portrayal. By that logic then I guess Zoro, Killer, Law and Kidd are stronger than Marco, King, and Queen then.

This thread is about where Sanji should be, not Sanji wanting or acting like Luffy or Zoro. Sanji is his own character, no need to compared Sanji to other characters.

1. How does Sanji doesn't have Ryou or CoC? Ryou is Haki, Sanji clearly has it. CoC on the other hand is still a mystery but I'm pretty sure that Sanji has it.

2. Sanji is clearly on the same level as Luffy and Zoro. He's in the Monster Trio for god sake. Sanji was always the third strongest in the crew. Damn, Moria and Buggy is stronger than Sanji now?:josad:I bet current Sanji can even take down Doffy let alone the others.:endthis:He is above Jinbei lol. Base Jinbei = Base Sanji. Near water Jinbei = DJ Sanji. RS Sanji > Jinbei.

I mean, if you get stuck in a tranny island for 2 years then you must have miss a women too. Sanji is doing fine as a leader. Sanji was trying to save his whole crew from danger and he succeeded. Yeah right, cuz Zoro never leads anyone in his life since his direction is so bad that he can't even walk straight.:gokulaugh:

I didn't know that you skipped WCI.:josad:

He defeats Yonji who toys with Daifuku like it was nothing.

And he also defeats Page One who is the candidate for Calamity spot.

You actually comparing a dust cloud to the smoke that coming out from your body?:josad:

Fodders doesn't recognize Sanji's presence but then later on Black Maria's henchmen call Sanji a big shot.

But Sanji was smart by going around and finding out Pudding's true personality right?:myman:

Usopp's situation and Robin's situation are not similar to Sanji's situation. Sanji got kept hostage and was forced to do what Germa and Big Mom Pirates said. And Sanji was a moron because he's actually going up against a Yonko? Gotcha.:myman:

There are plenty of top tiers that Sanji can fight in the future so don't worry.

Yes, as I said before. The black lightning effect is not always CoC. Usually someone would point out if someone is using CoC but it's not the case here.

Yes, Zoro and Sanji will unlock CoC in the future. Ryou is Haki in Wano. Just like how people in Skypiea refers Observation Haki as Mantra. Even if Sanji doesn't have Advanced Armament, his DJ is still one of his best fighting aspect and right now we're never have much details on Diable Jambe and where does it come from. People say that DJ is Haki but I doubt it.

Sanji cooks because that's his passion but that doesn't allow him to not be on the same level of Luffy and Zoro who trains all day. This is Shonen that we're talking about. Anything is possible. Why would Sanji be weaker than Jinbei? It doesn't make any sense. The Monster Trio refers to the top three strongest fighters of the Strawhats crew. Even if Yamato or Carrot or Akainu or Kaido join the Strawhats crew, that doesn't mean that they're stronger than Sanji. Jinbei is definitely YC level for sure and so is Sanji.
Yes he was...they went against the world government to save Robin, Luffy also did it to try to save his brother.

WG > 1 single yonko

Sanji has to be pretty damn stupid to think Luffy out of all people would give up on him.
Again, it’s a manga. Characters are what the author want them to be. Claiming it’s stupid and illogical to say Sanji has CoC if Usopp has it because characters are supposed to be born with it makes no sense. If Oda wants Usopp or Sanji to have it, it means they were born with it, that’s it.

Your point about Doflamingo is irrelevant. He became a pirate, period. It makes no sense to counterargue with an alternate, non existent scenario.
But thats how CoC works. A weak character having CoC does not mean a stronger character has it as well. Thats a non-sequitur, i.e. illogical. Get over it.

Its not irrelevant, because it was directly correlated to your point about "potential".
The fact that he didn't get overpowered by Big mom during the clash, just like G3 Luffy, it's highly possible.

Doflamingo also said Luffy's G2 bazooka was fast but it lacks strength, while he said Sanji's DJ Spectre was ''powerful''.
The Doflamingo fight is a pretty bad fight to compare it too since we saw the results of the Sanji vs Mingo fight

Luffy and Sanji blocking BM is as impressive as Luffy knocking down Kaido their first fight with G3 punch while Kaido was a dragon
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Nah. DJ = Gear 3 Haki

Luffy's Gear 2 and 3 is fine imo.
Oda really nerfed it, because prior to ch 1000, against primary opponents, Mingo, Cracker, Katakuri, G2 and G3 have been just useless
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So where do you put Hell Memories in this ?
Has he only used Hell Memories vs Wadasumani guy from Fishman Island