Speculations Why you shouldn’t stay in Elbaf for too long

Creation of the Book
"The only portion of Brag Men that has appeared in the series was written by the explorer Louis Arnote. It describes the island of Little Garden and reveals the origin of its name.[1] Due to Louis Arnote mentioning giants inhabiting the island, the book must have originally been published less than 100 years ago, as that is when Dorry and Brogy began living on Little Garden. Being one of the many books kept in the Tree of Knowledge located on the island of Ohara, it must have been published some time over 22 years ago."

Loki should have been a "teen" in giant terms by then and Harold was ruling by then. I doubt Loki was ever "ruling". Idk what you are talking about lol.
Time for a history lesson my boi.
I didn’t say Loki was ruling the Elbaf .
Then what do you mean with "Reign of Terror Loki created"?
You know what "Reign" means?
You misinterpreted my text I mentioned he reigned terror it’s likely he did after his father’s death .
Let’s say it’s an idiom , Loki was still Prince right and was in power even after his father’s death .


Holy Simp
You misinterpreted my text I mentioned he reigned terror it’s likely he did after his father’s death .
Let’s say it’s an idiom , Loki was still Prince right and was in power even after his father’s death .
Even if you mean that, that theory sucks ass because Louis Arnodt wrote Brag Men over 23+ years ago. This is a strong indicator that he did not narrate the recent narration within the last 6 years. That Reign of Terror you are refering too. Brag Men most likely contains Louis' travels to Elbaf and we are most likely getting a snippet of it rn.

It would also apply that Louis up to 6 years ago, would have been 100+ years old. I dont think so.

Let's keep that special feat for now for Dr. Kureha. Makes your theory even suck more ass than before. Lmao.