Break Week Why Zoro has two girls and Sanji doesn't even have one

Incels here think rape happens only if a guy slams a woman onto the floor and physically forces himself on her smh beyond mentally handicapped take
Funnily enough they are the same people whi trash sanji because of his gag.. a fictional character when they are the ones who need help mentally lol

i cant believe i saw someone "trash" viola and Osome because queen and doffy were forcing themselves to them lol
Incels here think rape happens only if a guy slams a woman onto the floor and physically forces himself on her smh beyond mentally handicapped take
Imagine being so braindead that you think that's what anyone here thinks.
Every time it was implied they had sex it was also implied it was consensual.
Just because you want it to be rape for whatever reason you freak, doesn't make it so
Incels here think rape happens only if a guy slams a woman onto the floor and physically forces himself on her smh beyond mentally handicapped take
I think using a mans riches and giving him hope is also a kind of rape with that logic Nami is a predator rapist. I don't know about incels but i think if women shouldn't talk to a man they are not interested with. Just stay away from Chads Tyrones and Rich princes you would be 90 percent away from rape, just stick with your girl friends.