Questions & Mysteries Will Luffy lose yet again?! Or will the fight stop? Luffy vs Kaido

I genuinely do not know what would make me more happy if ZKK happens. It happening alone, the salt from some clowns on here, or the huge temper tantrum some Youtubers would throw over this. KOL would probably still argue whether or not Zoro is a Top Tier at that point!
And this is why low iq fanfictions wont happen, imagine if people would suddently say that chopper will kill kaido, its the same with zolo, just low iq fanfiction. The only one who will lose are the 2 piece readers.
I think the ideal scenario would be;
- Luffy lands his strongest attack and sends Kaido flying to the capital
- Kaido seems defeated, the citizens celebrate
- We get the Kaido flashback
- Kaido's awakening takes over
so luffy does not win so who would defeat awakened kaido( a stronger kaido) is it luffy or a particular somebody that is at death door?

And yes, Kaido is getting trashed by Luffy, even had him on his knees huffing and puffing. Awakening form Kaido will even it out, maybe even giving Kaido the slight advantage until he loses
Ahh okay missed that panel,but the point still stands lmao 5 chapters later oda confirms awakening if drunk kaido is awakened kaido then he is still currently holding back a lot of abilities etc just like doffy was since he was only in if for a brief clash. How can you say luffy is trashing kaido are you ignoring Momo saying luffy voice is dying out?kaido saying careful you will die?kaido himself saying you cant beat me lol mind you while he is in hybrid form not awakened. Literally 1046 we see them trading blows evenly and end the chapter with them both smiling and yet you say luffy is trashing kaido lol just seems weird to me but hey lets see where the chapters go.
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so luffy does not win so who would defeat awakened kaido( a stronger kaido) is it luffy or a particular somebody that is at death door?
Honestly i don't think its out of the realm of possibility that oda gives luffy/zoro a tag team vs kaido to defeat/kill him we know that you need adv coc to do serious damage to kaido and currently these are the strongest two people we have its just a matter of getting zoro back up
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And this is why low iq fanfictions wont happen, imagine if people would suddently say that chopper will kill kaido, its the same with zolo, just low iq fanfiction. The only one who will lose are the 2 piece readers.
lmao that is in fact not the same thing and you know it :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
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Sure, Kaido, the motherfucker that has been screaming about wishing to die since his first appearance, will be okay at the idea of Luffy not killing him. Yup!


Get a grip. If Luffy ain't killing Kaido, somebody else will. Does not even have to be Zoro before people jump down my throat. Momo, any of the scabbards, Zoro, fucking Killer for all I care, but SOMEBODY will slice and dice Kaido by the end of this story. The only character I cant see killing him is Blackbeard since him getting the same fruit Kaido has would be too redundant in a visual sense for Oda to pull.

Oda cant pull his usual Luffy crushed the villains spirit bullshit with Kaido this time. Kaido has his ass whopped seven times already. If he isn't killed, it has been explicitly hammered how he will continue to be a threat. And Luffy sure wont be sticking around Wano like Ryuma did to defend them. So he either kills him or somebody else does.
The fire was cleared out so that after Luffy smacks him, he can go pack his shit. On the way out he'll call Luffy a savage lil Nika and that'll clue Jinbe in on the fruit.

I mean maybe Momo can nervously smoke him with the same piece that Kaido used to finish Oden but I'm sure that's unnecessary once the dream is ended.


World's Strongest Swordsman
there is no indication that kaidos battle prowess has decreased, and ask you self who contributed the most damage to kaido
He literally can't control his own flame clouds and hasn't been able to for a while.
His stamina and haki has been wasted constantly since he started vs the scabbards
And all the time he folded luffy and someone else had to step in. Both stamina and haki are finite.
Luffy is a scrub
He literally can't control his own flame clouds and hasn't been able to for a while.
His stamina and haki has been wasted constantly since he started vs the scabbards
And all the time he folded luffy and someone else had to step in. Both stamina and haki are finite.
Luffy is a scrub
oda as not really highlighted that kaido as weakened and if he highlighted it like him being unable to control the clouds it was only after his fight with luffy