Speculations Will Oda miss on this opportunity?

The Beast Pirates theme and jolly roger is based on Kaido's race, his horns are a big deal. Every member of his crew must have horns fake or not. With the exception of Queen and King, most of the subordinates from Jack going down have horns. So for Kaido's crew, horns are important and races, King is an unknown race, Jack is a fishman..

Short list

- King unknown race
- Queen Cyborg
- Jack Fishman

- WsW mysterious eye symbol + fake horns(speculated to be from the 3 eyed race)
- Sasaki has fangs and sharp teeth + fake horns(speculated to be a Fishman)
- Black Maria red horns (speculated to be Oni or Ancient Giant like Kaido and Yamato)
- Ulti white horns (speculated to be fighting fish fishman like Dellinger)
- Page One white horns (speculated to be fighting fish fishman like Dellinger)

Now knowing that races and horns are equally significant within the Beast pirates..

Do you think Oda will pass on the chance to reveal a strong pirate Mink animal type with badass horns?
The previous King of the Mink race Hitsugisukan was a Sheep with magnifcent horns.. If he gave a lion mink an afro mane, what could he do with an animal with horns, it makes you wonder..

Also, there was this kid the same age of Nekomamushi and Inuarashi at that time..
