Speculations Will the strawhats stay together in the end?

Will the Strawhats disband?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 62.9%

  • Total voters
That’s because they’re all still fighting for something. EOS the straw hats all would have accomplished theirs and Luffys dream.

After that they no longer have reason to stay living together. Usopp will probably want to return to Kaya to tell his stories. Sanji will want to stay in the all blue. Brook will want to stay with Laboon. And so forth.
the all blue is probably the whole op planet like the theories claim
I don’t like the idea of them disbanding after the dust settles, and most of them have achieved their dreams. I’d like to think they’ll stay together forever. What do you guys think?
This is a false dichotomy

The entire world will be united as Luffy’s nakama when he achieves his dream, so there will be no such thing as disbanding or staying together.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Yes they will disban, they'll stay in contact and maybe even meet up all the time but majority of them only became pirates to accomplish their own dreams and they felt they owed Luffy their lives, they wouldn't just keep sailing around without a goal to reach its what makes the strawhat crew grow so much and why they're so powerful, they each of a goal to reach and a reason to grow stronger
I don’t think they’ll stay together forever but I could easily see them sailing for a few more years/decades before calling it quits

Every other top pirate has been sailing for decades it would be hard for me to believe Luffy would be content with only being a pirate for a few years
The world will probably be completely remade during the final war and Nami will see it all and map the new world.
Then it would take even longer to sail around the world and map everything, and I don't buy the argument of "Oh there'll be some convenient device that allows her to see everything instantaneously", I think it cheapens Nami's efforts in accomplishing her dream and there's no specification that her dream must end while she's still 20 y/o.

I think it's more likely we see her completed map decades later in an epilogue while she herself is still guiding Luffy and whoever else is still in the crew atp around the seas.
Then it would take even longer to sail around the world and map everything, and I don't buy the argument of "Oh there'll be some convenient device that allows her to see everything instantaneously", I think it cheapens Nami's efforts in accomplishing her dream and there's no specification that her dream must end while she's still 20 y/o.

I think it's more likely we see her completed map decades later in an epilogue while she herself is still guiding Luffy and whoever else is still in the crew atp around the seas.
Probably a good reason Oda did those drawings of each Strawhat later in life
Then it would take even longer to sail around the world and map everything, and I don't buy the argument of "Oh there'll be some convenient device that allows her to see everything instantaneously", I think it cheapens Nami's efforts in accomplishing her dream and there's no specification that her dream must end while she's still 20 y/o.

I think it's more likely we see her completed map decades later in an epilogue while she herself is still guiding Luffy and whoever else is still in the crew atp around the seas.
Oda isn’t going to relegate any straw hat dream as an afterthought for the epilogue.
There will be an epilogue because the story has a prologue. I think they'll get back together after a few years and the story ends with them going on a new adventure
All Straw Hats members have their own goals so they will.

Luffy will die foreshadowed by Ivankov in Impel Down. There’s something sacrificial about the Nika fruit.

Zoro will go back to his hometown and become a dojo instructor or a wandering swordman like Ryuma after he is WSSM.

Sanji will take over Baratie restaurant (Zeff is too old now) after the Redline is destroyed which will result into all seas joining together that makes it All Blue.

Nami will follow Bellmere’s path of adopting 2 children and opening a tangarine orchard in her hometown Cocoyasi village.

Chopper will return as a doctor in Drum Island. Also, turns the Island into a top hub for medical research.

Franky is going back to Water 7 with the other Vegapunks to work with Iceberg to expand their project.

Brook is going to be a celebrity musician.

Robin is going to work as a scholar and teach people.

Jimbe is going to be an ambassador of fishmen when all races unite after WG falls.
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Nami’s is necessarily
If she mapped the whole world right now it would just be a huge waste of time since the whole world will change
The world will change in the final arc for good, she’ll draw it once it finishes cause she’ll see it from what is basically the ark maxim more likely.