[FNZ] Super Role Madness World Of Warcraft: Legion

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Death of Royalty

@RayanOO / Prince Farondis has been lynched

“The people of Azsuna were ― and always will be ― too proud to kneel before your demonic allies, witch. And we will NEVER...KNEEL...BEFORE YOU!!!”

[Passive – Ghostly Status] Prince Farondis is a ghost, no longer the living and no longer commanding a physical form. His vote power counts for zero and he does not count as a living player in the game. You are immune to most actions, and if a player tries to target you, they will be told that their action failed because the target is not a living player in this game.

[Passive – Soul Bound] Prince Farondis’s soul is bound to Azsuna and cannot leave. As such he cannot group up with parties but he can find items in Azsuna.

[Passive – Pillar Seeker] Prince Farondis knows that in order to defeat the Legion, he and his allies must collect the Pillars of Creation before they do, his party will have an advantage in winning Pillars of Creation when their events trigger.

[Active – Decline the Offer] Prince Farondis knows that sometimes an offer is too good to be, he may target a player and protect them from harmful chat abilities for a cycle. [3-Shot]

[Active – Meteor] Prince Farondis may be a ghost, but he’s still capable of using magic. Target three players and destroy one of their active abilities for a cycle. [3-Shot]

[Active – Leader in Death] Prince Farondis knows that some things are worth dying for, and he can rally other ghosts to his cause, even if following him got them killed in the first place. Once during the game, Prince Farondis may command the votes of up to 3 dead town players, giving himself up to 3 vote power for the phase. Doesnt work in LyLo or MyLo.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town
Shadow of Hellheim has been activated
Preventing anyone but Helya's faction from using abilities.

Day 6 has ended
Night 6 begins
You have 20 hours to send me your actions

1- @RayanOO
2- @The Orca
3- @Flower Died Night 3 Thalyssra Revived Day 4 Thalyssra
4- @CakeWalker
5- @Yoho
6- @Indigo
7- @Mr. Ultracool Replaced by @Jesse Pinkman
8- @hime Killed Night 4 Odyn
9- @Polar Bear
10- @Seatonnes Replaced by @DoflaMihawk
11- @Random Asshole
12- @RippedCal Banished Day 5 Sargeras
13- @Pot Goblin Lynched Day 3 Elissande
14- @Mr. Reloaded Died Day 2 Illidan Stormrage Brought back Day 2 Illidan Stormrage
15- @Red Night Xavius Died Day 5
16- @Sallucion Died Night 2 Prophet Velen Revived Day 3 Prophet Velen
17- @Luka
18- @Emil Killed Day 1 Khadgar Revived Day 1 Khadgar
19- @Ratchet
20- @BakiDou Died Night 3 Mograine
21- @Michelle Killed Night 1 Kalecgos Revived Day 1 Kalecgos
22- @Peroroncino Replaced by @Tyler Herro Died Day 4 Zuraal Delayed Survival until day 5 Died Day 5
23- @T-Pein™
24- @Gadonkadonk Replaced by @Dr. Watson / L'Ura Died Night 4
25- @Orwellian
26- @Cubey Died Night 2 Hemet Nesingwary
27- @LethalBanks Lynched Day 1 Turalyon Revived Day 3 Turalyon
28- @Alwaysmind Killed Day 5 Eitrigg
29- @MangoSenpai Killed Night 1 Occuleth Revived Day 5
30- @Kiku Lady Hatecoil Lynched Day 4
31- @Zolo Repladed by @Ultra Killed Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Revived Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Died Day 4 Revived Day 5
32- @Neeko Warlord Parjesh Killed Day 1 Revived Day 2 Game Removed Day 2 Came back Day 4
33- @Lindltaylor
34- @Xadlin Lord Killed Day 2 Aggramar Brought Back Day 2 Aggramar Dead Day 4
35- @Naomi Died Night 4 Alleria Windrunner
36- @Grammaton
37- @Lord Melkor


Certified Memelord
think disc chat will be open so this is mostly redundant but i picked the 4 most sused people and put them in one box. now yall duke it out and tell us which among u is heyla
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