[FNZ] Super Role Madness World Of Warcraft: Legion

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Icy Whispers was used on ???
Peaceful Diplomacy was used on ???
Undead Commander was used to super kill @Polar Bear / Kil'Jaeden

Demonic Reformation has been triggered

@T-Pein™ / Sally Whitemane has died

“The day of my judgment awaits, but theirs is at hand and I will be the executioner's blade.”

You are Sally Whitemane!
[Passive – Servant of The Light] Despite her madness and zealotry in life, Sally held a bond to the Light unmatched by even the greatest paladins. She will be immune to Light flavored abilities that would harm her.

[Passive – Zealous Conviction] While Sally is not as mad as she once was in death, she still has absolute certainty in her convictions and her actions. Her actions are immune to redirection and once she places her vote each day, she may not change it.

[Active – Master Healer] Sally has always had immense healing capabilities. She may target another player and heal them of any status effects. She will also protect them from any delayed kills. This ability will work on both the living and the undead. [3-Shot]
---[Nigh Immortal]---
Due to her ability to self-heal, Sally is virtually unkillable. If she were hit by a killing ability successfully she will be able to focus her healing abilities on herself to stay alive… or unalive? This will require all of her concentration to maintain and she will lose her role and her vote power, becoming a tree stump.

[Undead Priestess] As a priestess, Sally excels at granting her allies supportive aid.
---[Active - Unholy Blessings]--- Sally may target another player, if they are also undead their next action will be upgraded. [3-Shot]
---[Unholy Renewal]---
Sally may refill an ability of an undead player. [3-Shot]

[Active – High Inquisitor] As an inquisitor, Sally excels in ruthlessly rooting out her enemies. She may target another player to determine their alignment. Night only. [1-Shot]

[Active – Alliance Emissary] Starting D2, Sally may make a public announcement to the thread each day.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Azeroth. By any means necessary!
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Visions flash across your mind.

You see your nemesis. The one who was once a brother to you. Killed by your allies over and over only to reform his demonic body back again.

Then a flash of a night filled with the green energy of the twisting nether. A looks of fear flashes across your enemies face. Fear of vulnerability.


The End and the Beginning
It doesn't matter if he comes back tomorrow, we can just lynch him if we don't win (because we should have achieved our win con with Cal's death).
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