Being rational =/= shady
Town giving free passes to anyone was always the reason why they lost
I don't necessarily disagree with this assessment, but at least in my case you'll have to weigh up healthy scepticism against the litany of actions, votes and arguments I've made that have been to the benefit of the Town. I think, at some point, there is going to have to be some form of conclusion made. If I'm working with a Mafia team, which one? And so on.
I haven't had the time (or the energy, or the motivation) to fully look through your posts to decide where I lean one way or the other. I'm probably going to assume that you're not a part of Juliet's Mafia, as that would have required some early, co-ordinated distancing to no mutual benefit for either of you, so there is at least that in your favour.
I think the rest of my position on this has been made clear enough. If you're Town, I'd like to see you start connecting some of these threads you've talked about to form a wider conclusion. When I say "shade-baity", I don't so much mean "shady" as I mean that there are lots of examples wherein you suggest *something* against a player, like "the indie players could be working with the Mafia", but don't really go anywhere with it. Ideas are fine and all, but if you believe that to be the case, then it would be your charge to find evidence to support it. And if you don't really believe that to be the case, then it begs the question as to why that is your focus, instead of the threads you actually do think are worth pursuing.
Brann's Beart puffs its chest up with pride.