General & Others Worst OP takes on the forum

My man has 0 shame Luffy> Zoro is by far the worst take but Sanji> Luffy because of Sabaody arrival numbers is fine. Must be nice to live in his world, so blissful. Free or stress. Lacking self awareness.
I unironicly respect nik more because he (for the most part, he twerked a couple of times because of horsejuro) subscribes atleast to some insane logic and sticks to it

The other fellows that twerk about about Luffy > Zoro and Zoro = Sanji at the same at being worst takes are not even worthy called being agenda twerkers at this point after this weeks big scramble


When were you under the impression this game is..
I unironicly respect nik more because he (for the most part, he twerked a couple of times because of horsejuro) subscribes atleast to some insane logic and sticks to it

The other fellows that twerk about about Luffy > Zoro and Zoro = Sanji at the same at being worst takes are not even worthy called being agenda twerkers at this point after this weeks big scramble
Yeah he does he was fighting Fenaker over Gaban being a peer to Roger but the issue is he doesnt translate that parallel with Zoro and Sanji EOS.
Yeah he does he was fighting Fenaker over Gaban being a peer to Roger but the issue is he doesnt translate that parallel with Zoro and Sanji EOS.
That makes sense tho imo, just like Zoro and Sanji are no mere yonko commanders anymore and surpassed them (so any hierarchy apply to them to YC doesnt follow) so will they have surpass the PK and fulfill the what joyboy couldnt topple the world government. So they will go beyond Rogers dynamics as they will suprass them. Roger Rayleigh and Gaban are power floors, not ceilings

I tell you there is some logic to his insanity, as opposed to lenaker and co :josad:
Nah I think Doffy beats Jack and Cracker. I can't see him beating Queen and Kata though.
Also disagree with the Oden thing kind of
Oden thing is headcanon, in verse canon scaling by the WSC who is rumored best 1v1 fighter ranks him among the other 4, if you are accepting the other 4 to be equal/relative to each other than so should Oden be given the same respect.
Do you have Luffy as stronger then Akainu after his display in Egghead.
Same as Zoro (you know my stance on this and why). I would still stay Luffy is at least eqaul/relative to Admirals (the C3 are all equal imo) even after Egghead. The SBS lead to a lot of Admiral/Kizaru wank and rightfully so but lets be honest there is clear difference between Wano Luffy and Egghead Luffy. Its hard to even confirm that Luffy used ACoC in Egghead (the kick and WSG are most debated but the confirmation is missing).