Worstgen Pokemon League - Tournament registration!!

Should we allow one Mega Pokemon in each team?

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When is this for?
I too would like to know a date before I register.
That is all, I hope it worked for the first part, the start of the tournament will be released when I open up the second thread after all
register finished and when I got all pokemon teams via pm.

If you are interested in this tournament, just register :)​
I think the tournament will start shortly after the second thread is opened.
I have absolutely no idea, 0 clue, on how to do this, and my Pokemon knowledge is limited to Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charizard and Mewtwo.

The rules might as well be written in Chinese to me.

If there's room for absolute newbies then sure, put me in. If not, nevermind, I'm cool.
Worstgen Pokemon League

Hello worstgen community and welcome for the registration of the first Pokemon league tournament in Worstgen forum!!
I've been thinking about this tournament for a long time, especially since I know something similar from German forums. I have always planned such an event for Worstgen and after a discussion with my admin/mod friends I have permission for this event.
As in the football tournament, prizes are fixed for the winner and second/third place, which will be awarded after the tournament(Vip).

And how will it all work? People who want to take part in the tournament have to register here and later send me a fixed team of 6 Pokemon via pm. This team may not be changed for the entire duration of the tournament. As soon as the registrations are complete, I will open a new thread with all participants and their team will be published.

What will the tournament look like? We start in a group phase, depending on the number of participants, a corresponding system will be set up where either one or two players from a group advance and compete against each other in a knockout round, group phase will have a first and second leg.

We will host the games on the online version of Pokemon showdown, which is available for every user here and is free, easy to use and you can set up your team perfectly with items and moves of your choice.
You can also record and watch the fights, you all have to do that, here's an example where I played against TAC and recorded my fight.

The site where we play against each other:

That's as far as it goes as far as the Rules go, please read:

The composition of the team can only be from Gen 1 to Gen8, gen9 pokemon are not allowed. In addition, all Legendary Pokemon are not allowed! Therefore, make sure to include legal Pokemon in the team without legendary Pokemons.

Evasion Clause: The ability "Sand Veil" as well as the attacks "Double Team" and "Compressor" are not allowed.
Moody Clause: The ability "Emotional Rocker" is not allowed.
Swagger Clause: The "Showing off" move is not allowed.
Baton Pass Clause: The Relay attack is only allowed on one Pokemon per team.
OHKO Clause: Geofissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill & Freezing are not allowed.
Sleep Clause: Only one Pokémon may be put to sleep by using a sleep attack. Recovery is not affected.
Species Clause: Only one Pokémon of a species allowed.

Forbidden Items: "Soul Dew"
Z Moves, Gigantamax and Mega-stones are also not allowed!!

So far the rules, if you noticed something else or want to add another rule, pls write it down here and ask me to add it if I forget something.
That is all, I hope it worked for the first part, the start of the tournament will be released when I open up the second thread after all
register finished and when I got all pokemon teams via pm.

If you are interested in this tournament, just register :)​

Tags(if you think other users would also be interested in this one, just tag him pls):

@EtenBoby @Meeyori @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Cutty Jewboy @Fn Lucci @symbiote @DarkWitch @Cross_Marian @Roo @Fuckthis3 @Nikuzi @OnePiss @Seven7 @Flower @ShiShiShi @Mr. Reloaded @Fujishiro @Tensub @CoC: Color of Clowns @Sigran101 @Ravagerblade @TheAncientCenturion
@Doggo @Mr. Reloaded @Lance_Dragonite @Rottkins
@Pot Goblin
Great buddy!

Just I don't think we need a mega évolution. It kinda destroys this whole thing. Design wise they are top notch but not a big fan in fight.

Count me in @Playa4321
Worstgen Pokemon League

Hello worstgen community and welcome for the registration of the first Pokemon league tournament in Worstgen forum!!
I've been thinking about this tournament for a long time, especially since I know something similar from German forums. I have always planned such an event for Worstgen and after a discussion with my admin/mod friends I have permission for this event.
As in the football tournament, prizes are fixed for the winner and second/third place, which will be awarded after the tournament(Vip).

And how will it all work? People who want to take part in the tournament have to register here and later send me a fixed team of 6 Pokemon via pm. This team may not be changed for the entire duration of the tournament. As soon as the registrations are complete, I will open a new thread with all participants and their team will be published.

What will the tournament look like? We start in a group phase, depending on the number of participants, a corresponding system will be set up where either one or two players from a group advance and compete against each other in a knockout round, group phase will have a first and second leg.

We will host the games on the online version of Pokemon showdown, which is available for every user here and is free, easy to use and you can set up your team perfectly with items and moves of your choice.
You can also record and watch the fights, you all have to do that, here's an example where I played against TAC and recorded my fight.

The site where we play against each other:

That's as far as it goes as far as the Rules go, please read:

The composition of the team can only be from Gen 1 to Gen8, gen9 pokemon are not allowed. In addition, all Legendary Pokemon are not allowed! Therefore, make sure to include legal Pokemon in the team without legendary Pokemons.

Evasion Clause: The ability "Sand Veil" as well as the attacks "Double Team" and "Compressor" are not allowed.
Moody Clause: The ability "Emotional Rocker" is not allowed.
Swagger Clause: The "Showing off" move is not allowed.
Baton Pass Clause: The Relay attack is only allowed on one Pokemon per team.
OHKO Clause: Geofissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill & Freezing are not allowed.
Sleep Clause: Only one Pokémon may be put to sleep by using a sleep attack. Recovery is not affected.
Species Clause: Only one Pokémon of a species allowed.

Forbidden Items: "Soul Dew"
Z Moves, Gigantamax and Mega-stones are also not allowed!!

So far the rules, if you noticed something else or want to add another rule, pls write it down here and ask me to add it if I forget something.
That is all, I hope it worked for the first part, the start of the tournament will be released when I open up the second thread after all
register finished and when I got all pokemon teams via pm.

If you are interested in this tournament, just register :)​

Tags(if you think other users would also be interested in this one, just tag him pls):

@EtenBoby @Meeyori @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Cutty Jewboy @Fn Lucci @symbiote @DarkWitch @Cross_Marian @Roo @Fuckthis3 @Nikuzi @OnePiss @Seven7 @Flower @ShiShiShi @Mr. Reloaded @Fujishiro @Tensub @CoC: Color of Clowns @Sigran101 @Ravagerblade @TheAncientCenturion
@Doggo @Mr. Reloaded @Lance_Dragonite @Rottkins
@Pot Goblin
Finally my daily 1 hr of Showdown grinding will be of use. :pepebusi:

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Great buddy!

Just I don't think we need a mega évolution. It kinda destroys this whole thing. Design wise they are top notch but not a big fan in fight.

Count me in @Playa4321
We just need to put a ban on the obviously broken ones like Kangashan, Gengar and Salamence. The rest of them aren't nearly as bad.
No legendaries at all, even OU and UU tiers? If we're using megas, are non legendary ubers like blaziken and salamence allowed?
All legendaries are banned. I assume it's because not everyone knows what legendary is actually borked and what isn't. Plus OU and UU is probably a very foreign concept to a lot of people here.

As for Blaziken and Mence they're allowed. Blaziken isn't even that good in SW/SH.
Worstgen Pokemon League

Hello worstgen community and welcome for the registration of the first Pokemon league tournament in Worstgen forum!!
I've been thinking about this tournament for a long time, especially since I know something similar from German forums. I have always planned such an event for Worstgen and after a discussion with my admin/mod friends I have permission for this event.
As in the football tournament, prizes are fixed for the winner and second/third place, which will be awarded after the tournament(Vip).

And how will it all work? People who want to take part in the tournament have to register here and later send me a fixed team of 6 Pokemon via pm. This team may not be changed for the entire duration of the tournament. As soon as the registrations are complete, I will open a new thread with all participants and their team will be published.

What will the tournament look like? We start in a group phase, depending on the number of participants, a corresponding system will be set up where either one or two players from a group advance and compete against each other in a knockout round, group phase will have a first and second leg.

We will host the games on the online version of Pokemon showdown, which is available for every user here and is free, easy to use and you can set up your team perfectly with items and moves of your choice.
You can also record and watch the fights, you all have to do that, here's an example where I played against TAC and recorded my fight.

The site where we play against each other:

That's as far as it goes as far as the Rules go, please read:

The composition of the team can only be from Gen 1 to Gen8, gen9 pokemon are not allowed. In addition, all Legendary Pokemon are not allowed! Therefore, make sure to include legal Pokemon in the team without legendary Pokemons.

Evasion Clause: The ability "Sand Veil" as well as the attacks "Double Team" and "Compressor" are not allowed.
Moody Clause: The ability "Emotional Rocker" is not allowed.
Swagger Clause: The "Showing off" move is not allowed.
Baton Pass Clause: The Relay attack is only allowed on one Pokemon per team.
OHKO Clause: Geofissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill & Freezing are not allowed.
Sleep Clause: Only one Pokémon may be put to sleep by using a sleep attack. Recovery is not affected.
Species Clause: Only one Pokémon of a species allowed.

Forbidden Items: "Soul Dew"
Z Moves, Gigantamax and Mega-stones are also not allowed!!

So far the rules, if you noticed something else or want to add another rule, pls write it down here and ask me to add it if I forget something.
That is all, I hope it worked for the first part, the start of the tournament will be released when I open up the second thread after all
register finished and when I got all pokemon teams via pm.

If you are interested in this tournament, just register :)​

Tags(if you think other users would also be interested in this one, just tag him pls):

@EtenBoby @Meeyori @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Cutty Jewboy @Fn Lucci @symbiote @DarkWitch @Cross_Marian @Roo @Fuckthis3 @Nikuzi @OnePiss @Seven7 @Flower @ShiShiShi @Mr. Reloaded @Fujishiro @Tensub @CoC: Color of Clowns @Sigran101 @Ravagerblade @TheAncientCenturion
@Doggo @Mr. Reloaded @Lance_Dragonite @Rottkins
@Pot Goblin
How do you send your team? Can you customize your moves and abilities?
I've never played competititve.
We just need to put a ban on the obviously broken ones like Kangashan, Gengar and Salamence. The rest of them aren't nearly as bad.

All legendaries are banned. I assume it's because not everyone knows what legendary is actually borked and what isn't. Plus OU and UU is probably a very foreign concept to a lot of people here.

As for Blaziken and Mence they're allowed. Blaziken isn't even that good in SW/SH.
Okay, that makes sense.
I'm talking about megas when I say Blaziken and Salamence. If mega gengar and mega kangaskhan are banned, surely speedboost mega blaziken is banned as well?

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Okay, that makes sense.
I'm talking about megas when I say Blaziken and Salamence. If mega gengar and mega kangaskhan are banned, surely speedboost mega blaziken is banned as well?
I would say no. Because Mega Blaziken is inferior to regular. Life Orb is more optimal for immediate damage and you don't lose a valuable mega slot.

Mega Salamence should definitely not be allowed though :ihaha: